Derivatives and Uses Of Plain Weave

Plain Weave

Plain weave is the most basic of the three fundamental types of textile weaves. However, this plain weave is also called tabby weave, linen weave, or taffeta weave. The Plain fabric has a basic design structure. If anyone wants to get success he have to do something more than just design. For this reason various types of derivatives of plain fabric is required to establish. This modified plain fabric has a great demand in the market.

When the warp and weft threads cross at right angles they form a simple crisis cross pattern in their structure. Basically, each weft thread crosses the warp threads by going over one, then under the next, and so on. Similarly, the next weft thread goes under the warp threads that its neighbor went over, and vice versa. Depending on the design, the derivatives are classified as follows:

Derivatives of Plain Weave

Plain fabric derivatives are as below:

Rib Weave

This type of derivative consists of ribs or cords in the warp or weft direction. Rib weave is classified as follows:

Warp Rib

  1. Regular Warp Rib
  2. Irregular Warp Rib

Weft Rib

  1. Regular Weft Rib
  2. Irregular Weft Rib

Matt Rib

Matt Rib fabric has a smooth surface and is more flexible than plain weave. The following is the classification of the matt rib. They are-

  1. Regular Matt
  2. Irregular Matt
  3. Stitched Matt
  4. Fancy Matt

Uses of Plain Weave Derivatives

The following are the uses of plain weave derivatives: They are-

  • Firstly, regular warp rib is used to produce grosgrain cloth, mattress cloth, etc.
  • Secondly, irregular warp rib is also used to make grosgrain cloth, mattress cloth, etc.
  • Thirdly, different types of fabrics are made from matt weave, such as dress materials, shirtings, sailcloth, duck cloth, etc.
  • After that, plain weave derivatives are strong and hard-wearing and are used for fashion and furnishing fabrics.
  • Lastly, it is also used to produce heavy and coarse canvas and blankets, muslin, and other fabrics.

So, there are lots of derivatives of plain weave. I will write briefly about these derivatives in my next blog.

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