Management Hierarchy Chart In Dyeing Mill

Management Hierarchy

Management hierarchy is a must requirement for a dyeing mill for good supervision and to reach the desired goal. Significantly, a hierarchy is a system of organizing people into different ranks or levels of importance, for example, in society or in a company. Besides, management hierarchy refers to the organogram of an organization.

In the management hierarchy system definition, the following are two definitions: They are-

In British English, management hierarchy is defined as

  • Firstly, people are arranged in a graded order.
  • Secondly, a body of persons in holy order and organized into ranks
  • Thirdly, the collective body of those so organized
  • Lastly, a series of ordered groupings within a system

In American English, management hierarchy is defined as

  • Firstly, a system of church government by priests or other clergy in graded ranks.
  • Secondly, the group of officials, especially the highest officials, in such a system.
  • Lastly, a group of persons or things arranged in order of rank, grade, class, etc.

Source: Definition of hierarchy from the Collins English Dictionary.

Dyeing Mill

Dyeing is an important section of the textile industry. This dyeing industry could be based on Yarn, Knitted, or Woven fabrics. Generally, the dyeing process is done after receiving the raw materials from the previous sector. After dyeing, materials are sent to the finishing sections then into the garments, or printing section for further operation. In every organization, there has a managerial system that controls the whole process. Also, there have various sections in an industry. Every section is related to the production and its assistance.

Management Hierarchy Chart In Dyeing Mill

The dyeing textile industry is run by the following managerial system.


Managing Director (MD)

Executive Director (ED)

Director (Production/Finance)

General Manager (GM)

Deputy General Manager (DGM)

Assistant General Manager (AGM)

Manager (Dyeing)

Assistant Manager (Dyeing)

Senior Production Officer (SPO)

Production Officer (PO)

Assistant Production Officer (APO)

Dyeing Master

Shift In-Charge

Floor In-Charge




In sum, the above managerial system is a must for better management. But it is very rare because all of the industries are not the same in volume and are not interested in main all of the classes of the managerial system. In fact, some parts of the managerial system could be absent. Additionally, the management should give concerned about compliance and working environment safety issues. moreover, the management body can focus on 5S, kaizen, TQM, and TPM system for getting better results in production.

So, if anyone wants to get better production he or she should have to maintain the above managerial system.

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