What Are Kaizen Events?

Kaizen Events

Kaizen is a Japanese methodology for continuous improvement of the existing process. Kaizen events involved the entire person involved in the process. It is the cycle of work from the owner to the worker of the industry. Any action whose output is intended to be an improvement to an existing process is called kaizen events. It is traditionally a short-term brainstorming and implementation session to develop an existing process.

Kaizen drives the improvements which lead to a leaner business operating system.

Current State → Kaizen → Future State (Lean)

The following tools referred to kaizen events. They are-

  • Firstly, Kaizen event gathers operators, managers, and owners of a process in one place
  • Secondly, In most of cases, development flowchart maps the existing process.
  • Then, It improves the existing process.
  • Finally, It solicits buy-in from all parties related to the process.

Six Sigma stands for evaluating the performance of products. Basically, Kaizen events are extremely useful for getting a quick improvement of a process with a low sigma score. Meanwhile, it is also useful for convincing organizations new to Six Sigma of the methodology’s value.

The main goal of the kaizen event is to hold small events attended by the owners and operators of a process to make improvements to that process that are within the scope of the process participants.

What Are Kaizen Events?

Kaizen activities that address issues over a period of one week had become the industry norm and they had been named ‘Kaizen events’. These small models perform to understand problems and issues in the business processes, arrive at solutions, and apply them to improve the processes and eliminate waste.

  1. Assess/Reassess: Assess is the first steps of kaizen events. Assessing determines for planning and designs the process. Sometimes, it requires to reassessing.
  2. Plan and Design: After assessing, planning and designing perform to measuring the capability of the industry.
  3. Implement: Implement is the main task of an organization. This implement is done from the owner to worker or operator.
  4. Evaluate: After complete the process, it needs to evaluate the full process. After evaluation, if any faults found in the process, then it needs to remove.

To sum up, Kaizen events stand for assessing, planning and designing, implementing, and evaluating in an organization.

So, implement kaizen in your organization and take advantage of the process.

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