Principles And Working Procedure Of Computerized Knife Cutting Machine
Computerized Knife Cutting Machine A computerized knife cutter is a modern fabric cutting system. Various types of cutting instruments are used for fabric cutting in…
Features Of Water Jet Cutting Machine
Water Jet Cutting Machine A water jet cutting machine is a modern cutting instrument. It is run by a computerized system. Special software is used…
Properties Of Industrial Fabric Laser Cutting Machine
Laser Cutting Machine A laser cutting machine is a computerized cutting system. The laser cutter is not suitable for fabric cutting. It is generally used…
Uses Of Drill And Notcher Cutting Machine
Drill And Notcher Cutting Machine Drill and notcher are other types of cutting instruments in the apparel industry. It is specially used to mark and…
Die Cutting Machine: Types, Features, Uses, And Specification
Die Cutting Machine Die cutter is a special type of cutting instrument. It is generally used for leather technology. It is not suitable to cut…
Round Knife Cutting Machine: Features, Advantages, And Disadvantages
Round Knife Cutting Machine In apparel cutting, various types of cutting instruments are used. A round knife, straight knife, and band knife are used for…