Top Flax Growing Countries In The World

Flax Fiber Flax is the oldest fiber plant among all the fibers. Basically, it is an annual plant, and the fiber is collected from the…

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Top Wool Producing Countries In The World

Wool Wool is an important textile fiber. It does, in fact, have a significant impact on the trade of textile fibers. Various types of attractive…

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Chemical Composition Of Wool Fiber | Chemical Composition Of Keratin

Wool Fiber Wool is an important textile fiber. It is a protein fiber; it contains some special proteins like keratin. Keratin is the main chemical…

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Physical And Chemical Properties Of Wool Fiber

Wool Fiber Wool is a protein fiber and it is formed in the skin of sheep hence it is called animal fiber. It is produced…

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Process Flow Chart Of Flax Cultivation

What is a flax fiber? Flax is a natural bast fiber. These fibers come from the strew of an annual plant. Basically, Linum usitatissium grows…

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Physical And Chemical Properties Of Silk Fiber

What is silk fiber? Silk is an animal fiber and it is also called protein fiber. It is the only natural fiber that is found…

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