Physical And Chemical Properties Of Hemp Fiber

Hemp Fiber Hemp is a bast fiber plant like jute, kenaf, flax, and ramie. It is also a cellulosic fiber. Hemp fibers are significantly one…

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Sisal Fiber: Chemical Composition, Properties, And Uses

Sisal Fiber Sisal fiber is a cellulosic natural fiber. Like all natural fibers, it is also a natural fiber. It is collected from the leaf…

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Chemical Composition Of Hemp Fiber

Hemp Fiber Hemp is a natural, cellulosic, and bast fiber. This fiber is collected from the hemp plant, which is called Cannabis sativa. This plant…

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Chemical Composition Of Flax Fiber | Uses of Linen Fiber

Flax Fiber Linen fiber is collected from the flax that grows inside the stalks of the flax plant. Also, it is a natural, cellulosic, bast,…

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Physical And Chemical Properties of Flax Fiber

Flax Fiber Flax fiber or linen, is a cellulosic textile fiber. In fact, it collects from the flax plant. Flax fiber is a natural fiber…

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Chemical Composition Of Silk Fiber

Silk Fiber Silk is a natural textile fiber and this fiber is famous for its lustrous appearance, softness, and strength. However, it collects from an…

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