Major Properties Of Disperse Dyes

Disperse Dyes

Disperse dyes are synthetic dyes. Additionally, it is one kind of organic substance that is free of ionizing groups. In fact, disperse dyes are less soluble in water and are used for dyeing synthetic textile materials. Basically, disperse dyes are used for dyeing polyester yarn or fabric. On the other hand, reactive dyes are used for coloring cotton or cellulosic fiber.

A question could appear in your mind: why is this dye called disperse dye? It has a simple answer. Disperse dye is so-called because it is nonsoluble and molecularly dispersed; therefore, a dispersing agent is necessary for coloration with dispersed dyes.

Properties of Disperse Dyes

The following are the properties of dispersed dyes. they are-

  • Firstly, disperse dye is one kind of organic substances which is free of ionizing group.
  • Secondly, this dye is non-soluble in nature.
  • Thirdly, disperse dye is insoluble in water.
  • Therefore, dispersing agent is essential for dyeing with disperse dyes.
  • Fastness properties such as wet and light fastness is good to excellent.
  • After that, disperse dyes apply in acidic condition.
  • Moreover, disperse dyes widely use for dyeing synthetic fibers. Polyester fiber is dyed by disperse dyes but nylon, acrylic also can be dyed with this.
  • Disperse dyes dyeing significantly carry out in high temperature.
  • In some case carrier method is applied for dyeing of polyester with disperse dyes
  • Besides this, disperse dyes are economical.
  • Molecular size of disperse dyes are smaller than other dyes.
  • Lastly, disperse dyes are derivatives of azo, anthroquinone, nitro and quinine groups.

Disperse dyes dyeing carry out at high temperatures for this reason dyeing machine should have the capability of serving this process.

In sum, different dyes manufacturing companies manufacture disperse dyes. So, choose your color brand which you can trust for better dyeing.

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  • Shofiul

    This is very nice article as disperse dyes. Long time I was dealing in textile industry. Thanks for your valuable information about this dyes

  • saeed abdkhodaei

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  • Disperse Dyes

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  • Manoj Jadhav

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  • Alok Bhardwaj

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    • Nandana Bandara

      Dear Sir,
      I also need to know about disperse in detail

  • atul auti

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    sir iam doing Ph.d on disperse dyes this matter gives basic information about disperse dyes .i request you can you give the molecular diameter values of disperse blue 14 & disperse orange 37 please help me sir

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