Slitting Machine: Objectives And Functions

Slitting Machine

A slitting machine, or slitter machine, is generally used for the tubular knit fabric to make it in open form. In an open-form fabric finishing line; a slitter machine is used after the hydro-extractor, de-watering, and drying machine.

Slitting is a process that is applied to cutting the tubular fabric through the intended break Wales line in a lengthwise direction prior to stenter processing. During slitting, it is required to be aware of the cutting line; otherwise, fabric faults can occur there.

Objectives of Slitting

The following objectives are achieved by the slitting machine:

  • To open the tube fabric according to a specific needle mark
  • To prepare the fabric for the next stentering process.

Slitter Machine Parts and Their Functions

The following are the main machine parts and their functions. They are-

Rotary Blade:

A rotary blade is used for cutting the fabric through the break Wales line.


The ring is used to aid in the cutting process.

Guide Roller:

After slitting, the plaiting of the fabric is done. A guide roller guides the fabric to plaiting.


Open fabric is made by plaiting.


The sensor is used to identify the specific Wales line. It makes sense for cutting through break Wales’s line.

Checking Parameters after Slitting

The following parameters are checked after slitting:. They are-

  1. Cutting Line Check: Firstly, fabric cutting line is checked by the operator of the slitting machine. Operator checks that the rotary blade cut fabric through break Wales’s line or not.
  2. Bow and Slant check: Secondly, bow and slant is checked in the delivery side of the machine by the operator.
  3. Fabric Faults: Lastly,various fabric faults also checked in slitting process.

In sum, different branded slitter machine is available in the market. So, choose your required one and perform your slitting operation.

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