Working Principles Of Straight Knife Cutting Machine

Straight Knife Cutting Machine

A Straight knife cutter machine is important for cutting operations. It is important to know the working principle of the straight knife cutter machine.

Working Principles of Straight Knife Cutter Machine

The working principle of the straight knife cutter machine is given below. They are –

  1. At first, fabric spread on the cutting table.
  2. Then, marker is placed on the fabric.
  3. After that, cutting machine is placed at any corner point of fabric.
  4. Then, switch on the machine and continue cutting as per marker dimension.
  5. Finally, the cutting is continue until finish the marker.

So, when an operator cut the fabric he should be aware of the cutting working procedure. Because wrong cutting operation could cause huge damage to the fabric. So, be care full about the cutting operation with a straight knife cutting machine.

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1 comment

  • Hossain

    I am badly needed the principle of band knife cutting machine

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