Table of Contents
Quality Control System
On-line quality control is a system that is performed during manufacturing. During this checking, if any faults are found in materials, one should take the necessary steps to reduce the fault or to stop the process and take the necessary steps to recover it.
Types of Quality Control System
There are two types of quality control systems; one is an off line quality control system and the other is an online quality control system.

Types Of On Line Quality Control System
Identically, online quality control comprises raw material quality control and process control. Online quality control consists of –
- Raw Material Control
- Process Control
Raw Material Control
As the quality of the product depends on the raw material quality, we must be provided with the best quality raw material with an economical consideration.
- Firstly, the fabric must be without fault, with proper absorbency and whiteness as per the requirements of the subsequent process. The Greige inspection report gives the condition of the raw fabric. The information found in a Greige report is given below:
Penalty Point Legends |
Code |
Hole | H |
Oil stain | OS |
Chemical stain | CS |
Water spot | WS |
Fly yarn | FY |
Rub mark | R |
Dye stain | DS |
Dirt stain | D |
Rust Stain | RS |
Yarn Contamination | YC |
Inspect spot | IS |
Grease stain | GS |
Missing yarn | MY |
Drop stitch | DS |
Needle line | NL |
Uneven Tension | UT |
Stripe | S |
Thick & Thin place | TT |
Slubs | Sl |
Sinker Mark | SM |
Birdseye | BE |
Wrong Design | WD |
Pinholes | PH |
Barre mark | BM |
- Secondly, the chemical should be of known concentration with a higher degree of purity.
- Lastly, the entire machine should be higher precisions.
Process Control
The method chosen for the process must be provided with the necessary accurate parameters. The specific gravity, water level, residual hydrogen peroxide, etc. at each stage should be checked.
So, be careful during quality checking.
shamim hossin
very help full article.
we need knwolage of knitting fabric & process.
very good