Fabric Spreading Requirements and Objectives

What is fabric spreading?

Fabric spreading is part of the apparel manufacturing process. Fabric spreading is done after marker making. Spreading of fabric can be defined as the smooth laying out of the fabric of a specific length and width. The marker is laid on the topmost layer of the fabric. The cutting operation is done after completing fabric spreading. Cutting performance depends on fabric spreading.

Types of Fabric Spreading

The fabric spreading can be of two basic types. They are-

  1. Flat and     
  2. Stepped

Requirements Of Fabric Spreading

Followings are the requirements of fabric spreading. They are-

  1. Alignment of Plies: During spreading, all plies must be spread according to the marker dimension ( length and width wise).
  2. Correct Ply Tension: During spreading, plies must be spread at uniform tension.
  3. Correct Ply Direction: During spreading, all plies must be spread at same direction and from one end of the table.
  4. Fabric must be flat: During spreading, all plies must be spread in flat form. That is, fabric must be fold free or wrinkle free.
  5. Elimination of Static Electricity: During spreading, synthetic fabrics earthing arrangement required in the fabric table to avoid static electricity.
  6. Elimination of Fusion of Plies: During spreading, synthetic fabrics need to be spread anti – fusion paper between the plies ( normally for every 30 – 40 plies need one anti fusion paper), to reduce the fusion between fabrics and knives.
  7. Elimination of Distortion of Plies: For fabric spreading, table surface should be flat or laminated.
  8. Check and Stripe must be matched: During spreading check and stripe fabrics, stripe line or checked line should be kept at uniform distance from one end of fabric.

Objectives of Fabric Spreading

The following are the objectives of fabric spreading. They are-

  • Firstly, fabric spreading is use to place the number of fabric plies to the marker length plan correctly and placed exactly as to length and width without tension.
  • Secondly, the multi garment maker use to cut garments in bulk and saving in fabric through plans and it saves garment cutting time so it facilites cutting many plies at a time.
  • Lastly, fabric spreader use to make every ply plain and flat in apparel amnufacturing process.

So, when you will perform this fabric spreading job, you have to be aware of the above fabric spreading points.

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