Supply Chain Management in Manufacturing
An Evaluation of Supply Chain Practices: A Case Study of Star Jute Mills Limited Executive Summary The topic of this project work is “An Evaluation…
Types of Fashion Degrees Worldwide
Fashion Degrees Learners find fashion degrees appealing due to their rich blend of creativity, innovation, and style. There are many interesting and fulfilling employment options…
Understanding the Benefits and Challenges of Textile Study
Textile Study Textile study plays a vital role in our lives. However, our daily lives are profoundly impacted by the complex and diverse world of…
Top Environmental Impact of Textile and Clothing Manufacturing
Textile and Clothing Manufacturing Textiles are the second most basic human need after food. Day by day, the demand for textiles and clothing is increasing…
Best Green Factory Of Bangladesh in 2020
The Green Factory Award The ‘Green Factory Award’ has been introduced by the Labour and Employment Ministry on the occasion of the birth centenary of…
Best Public Textile Vocational Institute (TVI) In Bangladesh
Textile Vocational Institute The textile industry is rapidly growing up in Bangladesh. To fulfill the demand for present technical hands in the textile sector government…