Winding Defects: Causes and Their Remedies

What is winding process?

Winding is a process to wound the spinning yarn to the yarn package to facilitate the next process with different types of winding machines. In winding; the transformation of spinning bobbin yarn to the yarn package is done manually, for this reason, it has a chance to occur some faults. During winding, different types of winding defects are found. The followings are the main faults or defects of winding.

Causes of Winding Defects

There are different types of winding faults and defects that appear during the winding process. The following are the main causes of winding defects. They are-

  1. If patches are formed on the yarn.
  2. If winding speed is incorrect.
  3. Variation of yarn tension.
  4. If packages are dirty.
  5. The incorrect shape of the yarn package.
  6. Too many knots in the yarn.
  7. Excessive full bobbin.
  8. Piecing up.
  9. Overlapping.
  10. Two-end winding.
  11. Mixing yarns of different linear densities.
  12. Pattern winding is the result of the coincidence.
  13. Greasy and dirty yarn.
  14. Poor yarn cleaning and snarling.

So, during the winding process; the production officer should be concerned about the causes of defects and faults in the winding. If he or she can control these defects then the winding process will be fault-free.

Different Types of Winding Defects

There are lots of causes for winding defects. The following defects occur during winding:

  • Soft Package
  • Collapsed Cone
  • Bell-shaped Cone
  • The faulty shape of the Package
  • Jail Formation or Stitching
  • Formation of Ribbon
  • Tight Bobbin
  • Two End Winding
  • Nose Bulging
  • Ring-shaped Cone
  • Imperfect Winding Speed
  • Wild Yarn
  • Patch Formation on the Yarn
  • Excessive Full Bobbin
  • Tension Variation
  • Slack Knots
  • Yarn Entanglement
  • Mixing of Different Linear Densities Yarn
  • The imperfect shape of winding packages
  • Snarl
  • Less removal of loose fibers, neps, slubs, and dirt
  • Overlapping
  • The excessive Yarn Knot

Winding Defects Causes and Their Remedies

The following are the winding defects causes and ways of remedies. They are-

Soft Package:
  • Causes: Insufficient loading of the cradle causes the soft package.
  • Remedies: Sufficient loading of the cradle remedy this problem.
Collapsed Cone:
  • Causes: Collapsed cone causes for using the faulty cone.
  • Remedies: By using the fault-free cone will remedy these defects.
Bell Shaped Cone:
  • Causes: This defect becomes the cause of the faulty set-up of cone holders with winding drums.
  • Remedies: It needs to perfect set-up to remedy these defects.
The Faulty Shape of the Package:
  • Causes: Different factors are responsible for creating these faults, such as faulty yarn guides, building devices, traverse motion, and drum guides.
  • Remedies: It needs to use the correct yarn guide, should set an accurate building device, should use perfect traversing motion, and correct drum guide.
Jail Formation or Stitching:
  • Causes: This defect arises from the improper set-up of the cone holder.
  • Remedies: Should use an accurate set-up of the cone holder.
Formation of Ribbon:
  • Causes: Improper set-up of the cam switch cause these defect.
  • Remedies: Should use the perfect set-up of the cam switch to remedy these faults.
Tight Bobbin:
  • Causes: If the bobbin is not perfect then these defects occur.
  • Remedies: To remedy these defects bobbin should be perfect.
Nose Bulging:
  • Causes: Incorrect set-up of cone holders with winding drum cases these defects.
  • Remedies: Should use proper set-up.
Ring Shaped Cone:
  • Causes: Faulty setting of a cone holder is responsible for these defects.
  • Remedies: To remove these faults, and accurate set-up of the cone holder is necessary.
Imperfect Winding Speed:
  • Causes: Incorrect winding speed occurs these defects.
  • Remedies: It needs to set the correct winding speed.
Excessive Full Bobbin:
  • Causes: This defect occurs due to the wound’s indefinite length.
  • Remedies: To remove these faults, the Yarn should be wound at a definite length.
Variation of Tension:
  • Causes: It occurs for improper tension in the winding process.
  • Remedies: It needs to maintain proper tension throughout the total winding process.
Mixing of Yarns of Different Linear Density:
  • Causes: If the linear density of the yarn is not the same then these defect occurs.
  • Remedies: To remove these faults linear density of mixed yarn should be the same.
The imperfect Shape of Winding Packages:
  • Causes: Incorrect winding packages causes these faults.
  • Remedies: It needs to use the correct shape of the winding package.
Less Removal of Loose Fibers, Neps, Slubs, and Dirt
  • Causes: Loose fiber, neps, slubs, and dirt is responsible for creating these faults.
  • Remedies: To remove these faults yarn should be free from slubs, neps, and loose fibers.
Wastage in Winding:

In the winding section; wastage is produced due to different causes. Followings are the main causes of winding wastage. They are-

  • Due to knots.
  • Ends remaining after tying.
  • Yarn slough off.
  • Remains of the coil on the yarn package.
  • Short ends dropped at threading.
  • Greasy and dirty yarn.
  • Workers negligence.

The amount of wastage depends upon the size of the spinning bobbin and breakage rate. With the increase of the package size and reduced breakage rate of yarn, wastage of winding is reduced in the textile industry.

So, we should reduce the wastage of winding.

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1 comment

  • abdul saboor

    i want to study winding speed effect on knitting yarn

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