Flow Chart Of Jacked Manufacturing Process

Jacked Manufacturing

In the apparel manufacturing industry; there are different types of apparel are manufactured. All of the garments are not the same in size or style. Depending on the size and style they are named in various ways. Jacked is one type of garment which is especially popular to the young generation as well as other peoples of the world and it is generally used in the cold season. It is also used as a fashionable fabric.

In the garment industry, a CAD, or digitized system, is used to cut the pattern. After passing the cutting section, different parts of the jacket are sent to the sewing section for assembly. After sewing and final inspection by the quality control, it is ready for sale in the market.

Flow Chart Of Jacked Manufacturing Process In Garment Industry

The sewing sequence of the fully linked Jacket is given below:

 Contrast joint with the pocket by pressing.

Pocket rolling

Number matching with body & Pocket

Pocket joint

Zig Zag top sin over Pocket

Numbering & gathering back & front pants

Solder joint

Top sin on the solder joint line

Collar makes

Chain stitching on collar marking line

Collar Joint

Collar overlocked in joining the line

Numbering sleeve and body part

Sleeve joins with the body

Zigzag top sin on Armhole

Zipper piping

Side sewing /body sewing by overlock

Zig Zag tops in (side sewing line)

Bottom hem tuck sewing

Tuck bottom hem with body parts

Armhole tuck

Button hem top sin Zig zag

Cuff making

Cuff joint

Cuff top sin Zig Zag

Zipper joint with a body part

Collar tape part joint with zipper side

Collar taping part joined with a body part

Zipper top sin

Collar top sin

Label joint with a body part

Quality Table (Armhole point, sleeve hem, Bottom hem, Top sin, side seam, Thread cutting. Spot, etc are inspected)

So, you can get a Jacket from the market and taste the feelings of wearing a jacket.

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1 comment

  • baniz mohammad

    I am a novice garment employee and wand to get garment as my profession. please help me by providing garment related matter. Regards.

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