Flow Chart of Combed Yarn Manufacturing Process

Combed Yarn

The combed cotton spinning process is another important spinning process for cotton. When combing is done to add extra features to the fibers,. Basically, a higher yarn count is produced by this process. Combed yarn is finer than carded or rotor yarn. Combing is done after carding, and some extra steps are added for combed yarn manufacturing. The price of combed yarn is higher than that of carded or rotor yarn.

Process Flow Chart of Combed Yarn Manufacturing

The following is the flow chart of the combed yarn manufacturing process in the spinning mill. They are-

Fiber/Bale → Blow Room   →     Lap/Chute

Lap/Chute    →   Carding   →   Sliver (Carded)

Carded Sliver →   Pre-Comb Drawing Frame →   Sliver (Pre-Drawn)

Sliver    →   Lap Frame →   Lap

    Lap     →     Comber →       Sliver

Sliver   →     Post-Comb Drawing Frame   → Sliver (Post-Drawn)

Drawn Sliver →    Simplex   →   Rove

Rove    →   Ring Frame   →   Yarn





Combing Process Description

The following are the basic fiber to yarn processing sections of the combed yarn manufacturing unit in a spinning mill. They are-

  • Blow Room: Firstly, the blow room use to open the fiber bale and lap produce for carding section. Therefore, it is the first stage of the spinning process.
  • Carding: Secondly, carding is the heart of spinning process. Better carding facilites better spinning production.
  • Combing: Combing spinning process introduces into the spinning for finer and high-quality yarns. Therefore, the combing process use to remove certain amount of short and staple fibers, neps, fine kitty, leaf particles, etc.
  • Draw Frame: Draw frame is the machine that use to carry out drafting and doubling.
  • Roving Frame: Roving frame produces roving that is a fiber strand of a lesser count than a sliver. Small twist also apply to keep fiber together by a roving frame. Especially, roving is wound on to a package that is suitable for feeding spinning machines.
  • Ring Frame: It is final stage of yarn production from the fiber. When it drafts the roving for getting desire fineness or count of yarn. Besides twisting and drafting strand to form yarn required count and strength. Lastly, twisted yarn wound onto the bobbin that helps to storage as well as transportation process.
  • Cone Winding: After the ring frame; produced yarns are winded in cone form.
  • Reeling: In reeling, a hank of yarn is produced from cone form. 10 pounds weighted bundle is formed by the hank.
  • Bailing: By that’s bundle 400 pounds weighted final bale is formed.

In sum, after producing combed yarn; we can use it for making any type of fabric. The fabric which is made from combed yarn is more comfortable to use. The fineness of combed fabric is higher than carded or rotor yarn fabric.

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