Preparation Techniques Of Fusible And Non-Fuse Interlinings

Fusible And Non-Fuse Interlinings

Fusible and non-fuse interlinings are the two types of interlinings that are used as trimmings. It is a sewing auxiliary. Interlinings are used between two layers of fabrics. Interlinings are used in pants or shirts or other apparel by applying heat and pressure or by the sewing process.

Preparation Techniques of Fusible and Non-Fuse Interlinings

The preparation techniques of fusible and non-fuse interlinings are given below.

Fusible Interlinings

Fusible interlinings are used between two layers of fabrics by applying certain heat and pressure. So, it is important to know the preparation techniques of fusible interlinings. Fusible interlinings are prepared as follows.

Base Fabric

The base fabric is needed for the preparation of interlinings. Generally woven, knitted, or non-woven fabrics are used as the base fabric. In most cases, woven fabrics are used as the base material.

Resin Coating

Resin coating is done on the base fabric. This resin is a synthetic polymer.


After applying resigning on the fabric, heat is applied to the fabric. After drying, we will get fusible interlinings.

Non-Fuse Interlinings

Non-fuse interlining is used between two layers of fabrics directly by the sewing process. In this case, heat or pressure is not essential. This non-fuse interlining is used for special types of fabric. The preparation techniques of non-fuse interlining are given below.

Base Fabric

In nonfuse interlining; woven, knitted, or nonwoven fabrics are used as the base fabric.

Adhesives Apply

Starch materials are used as adhesive. This starchy material is applied to the base fabric.


After applying adhesives on the base material, drying is done for fixing the adhesives on the base fabric. After drying, we will get a complete non-fuse interlining.

So, when you will make interlining for the apparel, you have to be sure about the properties of interlining. In the garment industry; the use of fusible interlining is higher than non-fuse interlining.

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