Flow Chart Of Management Hierarchy For Garment Industry

Garment Industry

Apparel manufacturing industries are the fast-growing sector in developing and under-developing countries. Different factors are responsible for this reason. Anyhow an industry that is small or large has a managerial system by which that industry is running. The term management hierarchy also stands for the organogram of an industry. In an organogram, different levels of management are engaged in doing their job. There is also a job description for all the employees in an organogram.

It is important to maintain a proper management hierarchy in the garment industry because the main task of the management is to ensure quality and timely shipment to the buyer’s destination. So, it is essential to combine teamwork. Therefore, a supply chain should maintain throughout the apparel manufacturing process. Anyhow, the management of the garment industry is responsible to ensure a safe workplace for their employees and worker. Moreover, compliance regarding the workplace in a garment should be ensured by the management.

Management Hierarchy For Garment Industry

Flow Chart Of Management Hierarchy For Garment Industry

The managerial hierarchy of an apparel industry can be defined as a system of grades of authority or status from the lowest to the highest. The managerial hierarchy of an apparel industry can be as follow:


Managing Director (MD)

Executive Director (ED)

Director (Administration/Finance/Merchandising)

General Manager (Production/Quality)

Manager (Production/Quality/Merchandising)

Assistant Manager (Production/Quality/Merchandising)

Line Chief (LC)

Supervisors & Inspectors

Operators & Workers

Above all, this hierarchy starts from grade 1 and ends at grade 10, where the chairman is at the top level and operators & workers are at the lowest level.

In sum, every manager wants to get maximum profit by selling their products. The management of the garment industry should focus on some improvement techniques for better products, such as 5S, Kaizen, TQM, TPM, and others. I am sure if any company management can ensure the LEED criteria of green factory, therefore, they will be awarded as the LEED-certified company.

So, it is important to ensure all contributions to the production process that are directly or indirectly involved with the production process.

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  • Shah Alam

    Hi, I am Shah Alam. I am post graduate person. I want to build up my carrier in any garments sector. But I have no garments experience. So I decided that, I will take a job in garments site from a lowest position I mean Operator/Quality. Please guide me if possible.

  • GOOD

  • Masudur Rahman

    it’s very important and helpful.

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