List Of Textile Industries In India

Textile Companies In India

India is the biggest market for textile and apparel. Moreover, this is a populated country, and they have a lot of demand for garment products. To fulfill domestic demand, they export a large amount of textile and garment products all over the world. Also, it is a fast-growing country for producing fashionable apparel. In recent times, they have led the textile market after China and Bangladesh.

Lots of textile and apparel industries are set up in India. Here, I have listed most of the textile and garments manufacturers’ names list with their website addresses. I am sure the visitor will find their exact information in this article. Most of the manufacturers produce cotton yarn, synthetic yarn, woven fabric, knit fabric, fancy fabric, fashionable fabric, garments, accessories, dyes chemicals as well as dyes for dyeing textile materials. I think all of the manufacturers follow 5S, Kaizen, TQM, TPM, and other policy to improve their production and workplace environment. Here, I have listed a lot of textile mills’ name list of India. They are-

List Of Textile Industries In India

List Of Textile Industries In India

There are lots of textile factories in India. The following is a list of textile mills in India. They are-

  1. Aarvee Denims & Exports Ltd
  2. Abhishek Corporation Ltd
  3. Acil Cotton Inds Ltd
  4. Acknit Knitting Ltd
  5. Acrow India Ltd.
  6. Addi Industries Ltd
  7. Adinath Textiles Ltd
  8. Alchemist Corporation Ltd
  9. Alka India Ltd
  10. Alok Industries Limited
  11. Alpha Graphic India Ltd
  12. Alps Industries Ltd
  13. Ambika Cotton Mills Ltd
  14. Amit International Ltd.
  15. Anjani Synthetics Ltd
  16. APM Industries Ltd
  17. Arex Industries Ltd
  18. Arrow Textiles Ltd
  19. Arunoday Mills Ltd.
  20. Arvind Mills Limited
  21. Arvind Products Ltd
  22. Asahi Fibres Ltd.
  23. Ashima Ltd
  24. Ashnoor Textile Mills Ltd
  25. Aunde Faze Three Ltd
  26. AV Cottex Ltd
  27. Aviva Industries Ltd
  28. B&B Realty Ltd
  29. Bafna Spinning Mills & Exports Ltd
  30. Bala Techno Synthetics Ltd
  31. Bang Overseas Ltd
  32. Bannari Amman Spinning Mills Ltd
  33. Baroda Rayon Corpn. Ltd
  34. Bengal Tea & Fabrics Ltd
  35. Bhandari Hosiery Exports Ltd
  36. Bhandari Udhyog Ltd
  37. Bhilwara Spinners Ltd
  38. Bhilwara Tex-Fin Ltd
  39. Bholanath International Ltd
  40. Bijlee Textiles Ltd
  41. Binayak Tex Processors Ltd
  42. Birla Cotsyn (India) Ltd
  43. Black Rose Inds. Ltd
  44. Blue Chip Tex Inds. Ltd
  45. Bombay Burmah Trdg. Corpn. Ltd.
  46. Bombay Rayon Fashions Limited
  47. BSL Ltd
  48. Ceenik Exports (India) Ltd
  49. Ceeta Industries Ltd
  50. Celebrity Fashions Ltd
  51. Century Enka Limited
  52. Century Textiles & Industries. Ltd.
  53. Chandni Textiles Ltd
  54. Cheviot Company Ltd
  55. Chhabra Spinners Ltd
  56. Consolidated Fibres & Chemicals Ltd
  57. CT Cotton Yarn Ltd.
  58. DCM Ltd.
  59. Deepak Spinners Ltd
  60. Dhanlaxmi Cotex Ltd
  61. Dhar Textile Mills Ltd
  62. Donear Industries Ltd
  63. Eastern Silk Inds. Ltd.
  64. Ennore Coke Ltd
  65. Enterprise International Ltd
  66. Eskay K’N’It (India) Ltd
  67. Everlon Synthetics Ltd
  68. Evinix Accessories Ltd
  69. Fairdeal Filaments Ltd
  70. Faze Three Ltd
  71. Filaments India Ltd
  72. Filatex Fashions Ltd
  73. Filatex India Ltd
  74. First Winner Industries Ltd
  75. Futura Polyesters Ltd
  76. Ganesh Polytex Ltd
  77. Garden Silk Mills Limited
  78. Garlon Polyfab Inds. Ltd
  79. Garware Synthetics Ltd
  80. Garware-Wall Ropes Ltd
  81. Ginni Filaments Ltd
  82. Gloster Jute Mills Ltd
  83. Gokak Textiles Ltd
  84. Gokaldas Exports Limited
  85. Golden Carpets Ltd
  86. Grabal Alok Impex Ltd
  87. Gravity (India) Ltd
  88. GTN Industries Ltd
  89. GTN Textiles Ltd
  90. Gujarat Cotex Ltd
  91. Gupta Synthetics Ltd
  92. Hanil Era Textiles Ltd
  93. Hanjer Fibres Ltd
  94. Haria Exports Ltd
  95. Haryana Texprints (Overseas) Ltd
  96. Himatsingka Seide Ltd
  97. Hindoostan Spinning & Wvg. Mills Ltd.
  98. House Of Pearl Fashions Ltd
  99. Hytone Texstyles Ltd
  100. Ideal Carpets Ltd
  101. Indian Card Clothing Company Ltd
  102. Indo Rama Synthetics (India) Limited
  103. Indus Fila Ltd
  104. International Hometex Ltd
  105. Jagjanani Textiles Ltd
  106. Jaihind Synthetics Ltd
  107. Jamshri Ranjitsinghji Spg. & Wvg. Mills Company Ltd
  108. Janice Textiles Ltd
  109. Jaybharat Textiles & Real Estate Ltd
  110. JBF Industries Ltd
  111. JCT Limited
  112. JJ Exporters Ltd
  113. JK Synthetics Ltd
  114. Jyoti Overseas Ltd
  115. Kallam Spinning Mills Ltd
  116. Kanco Enterprises Ltd
  117. Kapil Cotex Ltd
  118. Karan Woo-Sin Ltd
  119. Katare Spinning Mills Ltd.
  120. Ken Financial Services Ltd
  121. Kesoram Industries Ltd.
  122. Kewal Kiran Clothing Ltd
  123. KG Denim Ltd
  124. Knitworth Exports Ltd
  125. Konark Synthetic Ltd
  126. Kothari Industrial Corporation Ltd
  127. KPR Mill Ltd
  128. Krishna Lifestyle Technologies Ltd
  129. KSL & Industries Ltd
  130. Kuvam International Fashions Ltd
  131. Lakshmi Machine Works Ltd
  132. Lakshmi Mills Company Ltd.
  133. Lambodhara Textiles Ltd.
  134. Lloyd Rock fibres Ltd
  135. LN Polyesters Ltd
  136. Loyal Textile Mills Ltd
  137. LS Industries Ltd
  138. Ludlow Jute & Specialities Ltd
  139. Textile Industriea Name List (M
  140. Mafatlal Industries Ltd
  141. Maharaja Shree Umaid Mills Ltd
  142. Mahendra Petrochemicals Ltd
  143. Maikaal Fibres Ltd
  144. Malwa Cotton Spg. Mills Ltd.
  145. Mangalam Ventures Ltd
  146. Maris Spinners Ltd.
  147. Mavi Industries Ltd
  148. Maxwell Industries Ltd
  149. MH Mills & Inds. Ltd
  150. Mid India Inds. Ltd
  151. Minaxi Textiles Ltd
  152. MK Exim (India) Ltd
  153. Modern India Ltd.
  154. Mohit Industries Ltd
  155. Morarjee Textiles Ltd
  156. MPIL Corpn. Ltd
  157. Mudra Lifestyle Ltd
  158. Nahar Poly Films Ltd
  159. Nachmo Knitex Ltd
  160. Nahar Industrial Enterprises Ltd
  161. Nahar Spinning Mills Ltd
  162. Nirlon Ltd
  163. Niryat-Sam Apparels (India) Ltd
  164. Nitin Spinners Ltd
  165. Nova Petrochemicals Ltd
  166. Numech Emballage Ltd
  167. Nutech Global Ltd.
  168. Omnitex Industries (India) Ltd
  169. Orbit Exports Ltd
  170. Oswal Spinning & Wvg. Mills Ltd
  171. Oswal Yarns Ltd
  172. Oxford Industries Ltd
  173. Pacific Cotspin Ltd
  174. Padam Cotton Yarns Ltd.
  175. Page Industries Ltd
  176. Pasupati Acrylon Ltd
  177. Pasupati Fabrics Ltd
  178. Patspin India Ltd
  179. Pasupati Spinning & Wvg. Mills Ltd.
  180. PBM Polytex Ltd
  181. Pioneer Embroideries Ltd
  182. Polypro Fibrils (India) Ltd.
  183. Prag Bosimi Synthetics Ltd
  184. Prakash Woollen Mills Ltd
  185. Pranavaditya Spinning Mills Ltd
  186. Precot Meridian Ltd
  187. Premco Global Ltd
  188. Punjab Woolcombers Ltd
  189. Raghuvir Synthetics Ltd.
  190. Rai Saheb Rekhchand Mohota Spg. & Wvg. Mills Ltd
  191. Rainbow Denim Ltd
  192. Rajapalayam Mills Ltd
  193. Rajasthan Polyesters Ltd
  194. Rajvir Industries Ltd
  195. Raymond Limited
  196. Reliance Chemotex Inds. Ltd.
  197. Riba Textiles Ltd
  198. Richa Industries Ltd
  199. RM Mohite Textiles Ltd
  200. Rosekamal Textiles Ltd
  201. RSWM Ltd
  202. Ruby Mills Ltd.
  203. S Kumars Nationwide Ltd
  204. S&Y Mills Ltd
  205. Salona Cotspin Ltd
  206. Sangam (India) Ltd
  207. Sanghi Polyesters Ltd
  208. Sanrhea Technical Textiles Ltd
  209. Santaram Spinners Ltd.
  210. Santogen Exports Ltd
  211. Santosh Fine-Fab Ltd
  212. Sarita Synthetics & Inds. Ltd
  213. Sarla Performance Fibres Ltd
  214. Schlafhorst Engineering (India) Ltd
  215. Seasons Textiles Ltd
  216. SEL Manufacturing Company Ltd
  217. Shamken Cotsyn Ltd
  218. Shamken Spinners Ltd
  219. Shiva Texyarn Ltd
  220. Shamken Multifab Ltd
  221. Shree Ram Urban Infrastructure Ltd.
  222. Shri Ganesh Spinners Ltd
  223. Shri Lakshmi Cotsyn Ltd
  224. Siddheswari Garments Ltd
  225. Silktex Ltd
  226. Sirdar Carbonic Gas Company Ltd
  227. SNS Textiles Ltd
  228. Spectacle Industries Ltd
  229. Spenta International Ltd
  230. Spice Islands Apparels Ltd
  231. SPL Industries Ltd
  232. SR Industries Ltd
  233. Sree Jayalakshmi Autospin Ltd
  234. Sri Jayalakshmi Spg. Mills Ltd
  235. SRM Energy Ltd.
  236. STI India Ltd
  237. STL Global Ltd.
  238. Stovec Industries Ltd
  239. Subhash Silk Mills Ltd
  240. Sumeet Industries Ltd
  241. Sun Polytron Inds. Ltd
  242. Suncity Synthetics Ltd
  243. Sunday Exports Ltd
  244. Super Sales India Ltd
  245. Super Syncotex (India) Ltd.
  246. Supertex Industries Ltd
  247. Supreme Tex Mart Ltd
  248. Surat Textile Mills Ltd
  249. Suryaamba Spinning Mills Ltd.
  250. Suryalata Spinning Mills Ltd
  251. Suryavanshi Spinning Mills Ltd
  252. Sutlej Textiles & Inds. Ltd
  253. Swan Energy Ltd
  254. Swasti Vinayaka Synthetics Ltd
  255. Sybly Industries Ltd.
  256. Tai Chonbang Textile Inds. Ltd
  257. Thambbi Modern Spg. Mills Ltd
  258. The Bombay Dyeing and Manufacturing Company Limited
  259. TT Ltd
  260. Unimin India Ltd
  261. Uniproducts (India) Ltd
  262. United Interactive Ltd.
  263. Unitex Designs Ltd
  264. Uniworth Ltd
  265. Uniworth Textiles Ltd.
  266. Vardhman Polytex Ltd
  267. Valson Industries Ltd
  268. Vardhman Acrylics Ltd
  269. Vardhman Textiles Limited
  270. Veejay Lakshmi Engg. Works Ltd
  271. Ventura Textiles Ltd
  272. Vertex Spinning Ltd
  273. Victoria Mills Ltd.
  274. Vijay Textiles Ltd
  275. Vijayeswari Textiles Ltd
  276. Vippy Spinpro Ltd
  277. Virat Industries Ltd
  278. Vishal Cotspin Ltd
  279. Vogue Textiles Ltd
  280. Volant Textile Mills Ltd
  281. VTM Ltd
  282. Vyapar Industries Ltd
  283. Weizmann Ltd
  284. Welspun India Limited
  285. Welspun Syntex Ltd
  286. Western India Cottons Ltd
  287. Wheel & Axle Textiles Ltd
  288. White House Cotton Inds. Ltd
  289. Winsome Textile Inds. Ltd
  290. Winsome Yarns Ltd
  291. Yarn Syndicate Ltd
  292. Zenith Fibres Ltd

Finally, above all about the textile mills in India. Anyhow, this list could be modified from time to time. I have a concern about this.

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  • Md. Main uddin Miah

    Dear Roshan,

    if you still need the product contact with me.

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    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am Madan Sharma from M/s Abhinuj Textiles, India. We are pleased to introduce ourselves as an Dealing & representative of Manufacturer and Exporter & Domestic for several foreign and local companies as well since a long time. We have been working in the field worldwide market for many years since our company was started from 1998. All of our suppliers from INDIA, VIETNAM and INDONESAI are Textile manufacturers having most modern and latest machinery. As well we are also dealing all kind of textiles related Item with 100% Cotton Comber Noil, Raw Cotton, Cotton Linter Blended, 100% Polyester Fiber, Combed, Carded, Waxed, Un-waxed Knitted and Weaving Yarn, polyester Filament yarn Polyester DTY Yarn Polyester Cotton Yarn along with all kind of Fabrics {Gassed Yarn, Gassed mercerized Bleached White, Sewing Theard heat Setting yarn any Technical Yarn}. for the satisfaction and smooth service of our customer and supplier’s we have establish office in India. On our side will be really interested in representing your company in the markets cited above and we feel honored to introduce your company as a customer to our worthy suppliers especially in all over India. So if you are interested on our proposal of cooperation and let us buy your required Cotton Yarn and Fabric from abroad, we would highly appreciate if you could send us your requirements from time to time. This will enable us to quote you our best competitive offer, we assure the quality of yarns & Fabric supplied through us will be according to your standards and taste.
    Reg: Special 100% Cotton Yarn Count:-
    NE-20/2 to NE-60/4 100% Cotton Combed Gassed Mercerized Sewing thread Heat Setting yarn, Bleached and Non-bleached yarn
    NE-90/2, NE-100/2, NE-120/2 NE-140/2 100% Cotton Combed Gassed Yarn.
    NE-80/1 NE-80/2, NE-86/2, NE- 94/2, NE-100/2 NE-115/2, NE-132/2 NE-140/2, NE-160/2 NE- 180/2 100% Cotton Combed Normal Yarn
    NE-60/1, NE-70/1, NE-70/1 NE-80/1, NE-132/2, NE-175/2 100% Cotton Combed Compact Yarn
    Reg: 100% Cotton Combed Normal Yarn
    NE-20/2 to NE-60/4 100% Cotton Combed Normal Yarn
    NE-6/2 to NE-20/1 Open End Yarn
    NE-2/2 to NE-20/9 Open End Yarn & Ring Spun Yarn.
    100% Polyester Yarn

    Let me know your interest requirement with your target price, quantity in FCL with country of destination.
    I want to start of the yarn & Fabric business with you and your company sale of the yarn minimum FCL per month trail basis.
    Looking forward to have a business possibility soon from your end Products Offer Of type Yarn & Fabric.
    Kindly acknowledge the receipt by return

    Thanks & Warm regards

    M/s Abhinuj Textiles
    Cell No. 91 9716366585
    Skype: madan.lal78
    WhatsApp, No. 91 9716366585 ( We Chat)
    Notes: Looking forward to have a business possibility soon from your end Products Offer Of all type Woven Grey Fabric ( Duck, Canvas, Sheeting, Poplin and Yarn Dyed Check and all type Dyed Fabric) and cotton Yarns into Jacquard Mattress Ticking Fabric Paper cone, Sports Garment ETC:
    If you need the sample to test, I will send a free samples baby cone, however you will pay world courier freight, otherwise give me your DHL Courier Account No…………..


    dear sir ,
    we will purchasing old and used textile machinery like , spinning , weaving ,
    processing , and all types of stores and electrics materials and textiles materials .

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  • Siddharth Burewar

    Dear Sir,

    Greetings from B-Tex.

    “B-Tex” has created a niche for itself by designing specialised hi-tech Inspection & Rolling machines for quality fabric manufacturers like M/s. Jindal Worldwide, GM Fabrics, Premier Mills, Tesssitura Monti, Raymond Zambaiti, Soktas, Alok Industries, NSL Textiles, Himatsinghka, Morarjee Mills, Premier Mills, SRF Ltd, D’decor, etc.

    “B-Tex” is collaborated with REALTIME Srl for 4-point Defect logging and Auto-cut Software. Our new 4-Point concept of Mapping & Autocut-Packing has given a new rise in textile industry, which increases 30% production and saves lots of potential time, space & manpower. Also B-Tex has collaborated with Tecnoteam Srl for technical know-how of Inspection and Packing Systems.

    For further details of the products, pls call our representative for brief discussion.

    Thanking you with warm regards,
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    Mobile: 00 91 98204 74553 | Phone: 00 91 22 2520 0254 | 6671 2272

    B-Tex Textile Machinery
    304, Vikas Centre, Dr. C. G. Road, Chembur (E),
    Mumbai 400074. Maharashtra, INDIA

  • Haridharsini R

    Dear Sir / Madam,
    Good Afternoon and warm greetings.
    Axon Infosoft, an established IT company for more than two decades, and a premium solution provider for the Clothing, Textile, Garments and Knitwear sectors headquartered in South India and have its premium product lines ERP/SCM/CRM/B2B for the Clothing, Apparel and Textile industry, which are proven very successful and implemented across 500 + clientele locations all over the world.
    Our flagship product Apparel + ERP suite is seamlessly integrated at all levels and from Sales order + processing to dispatch with web enabling options. After successful completion of more than hundred and fifty installations in India and Abroad. Axon Infosoft, today proud enough to claim as the officially recognized IT Solution provider for the garment and textile sector by the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India.
    Axon Infosoft, with its Software products addresses the most critical segments of Apparel & Textiles trade, which includes Knitted & Woven Garments, Made ups, Fabrics, Furnishings, Wool, Spinning and Textiles Sector, Buying and Export Houses, branding & distribution companies etc…
    Our Product portfolio
    • Apparel + ERP – ERP Solutions for Apparel Manufacturers & Exporters
    • Home Tex – ERP Suite for Home Textile Apparel Manufacturers & Exporters
    • Fabrica – ERP Suite for Fabric Manufacturers & Exporters (Sizing & Weaving)
    • Apparel + CRM – Full process automation for Buying Houses & Agencies
    • SCM – Product / Brand Manufacturers & Distributors with Logistics Management
    • Accounts – Solutions for All financial activities
    • Other Customized Solutions & Services on the above sector
    Key Benefits, We can look at are:
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    • Automated Time & Action Calendar on Purchase, Process & Production
    • Streamline the Production Process – From Sample order till Shipment
    • Automated Purchase order generation based on BOM, Budget & Nominated Supplier
    • Stock Reconciliation on every purchase order
    • Cost Control driven operations with effective costing framework
    • Interactive Inventory Management
    • Profit & Loss Report on Order / Customer / Year wise
    • Easy retrieval of Information –On Order, Stock, Cost etc
    • Easy MIS Reports & Many More
    • Work order wise (Style wise) Production control system
    • Order Budget Approval to have a cost control over order execution
    We understand your contributions in the Apparel 10.0 Textile Sector and would be happy to serve you with our comprehensive solutions to manage your enterprise very effectively.
    We shall provide you a free live demo of our software at your convenience
    Please feel free to call us at +91 98429-19515.

    Thanks & Regards
    Haridharsini R
    Admin Dept.


    # 249 A Ganapathy Pudur 3rd Street,
    Ganapathy |Coimbatore – 641 006 |Tamilnadu| India
    Office : +91 422 4512228
    Mobile : +91 98429 19515

  • If any big textile companies need trained sewing machine operators ( females ) at Bangalore and Hyderabad location only ! Please contact 7013922108 or email :

  • Shatrughan Kumar

    We are pleased to introduce ourselves as Surya International, India’s leading manufacturer and exporter of Textile Marker Pen for Textile Industries. It is aluminum tube type marker . Ink remains permanent after various chemical process and wash. It is acid resistant, alkali resistant. Ink volume 75gms more than 25% extra against other brand. We are fast growing company in Industrial Markers industry.
    Thank you

  • Respected all,
    We, CY Topbon Co., Ltd are trying to find distributors in India for our Digital Injet printer, textile ink and paper.

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  • Aashish Gupta

    Higg Index is a self-assessment sustainability tool designed to assess the environmental & Social Impact of textile /Fabric/Apparel products we can provide Training & Assessment for your company. According to International Law. (big companies)they set some goals & supplier achieve that goal & confirm all task.
    It contains 7 sections-
    1Environmental Measurement system
    2Energy & GHG
    4Waste Water
    6Air Emission
    7Chemical Management.
    Benefits of your Sustainability & Higg Index-
    1 Transparent public reporting
    2 Increased profits while achieving cost savings
    3 Increased brand awareness
    4 Improved sales & Marketing
    5 Business relationship with new/existing vendors/buyers/customers
    Regards- infinite solutions Indore MP India. (Environment & Sustainability Consultant)

  • David Edward

    Dear Sir/Madam
    I wish to inform your Eastern company about an open tender supply, which is going on here in Ghana for the supply of your Company products in a large quantity

    Terms of payment: If the contract is awarded to your company an advance payment of 80% will be paid to your company account by Bank Telegraphic Transfer(T/T) and balance of 20% before shipment,

    If your company is interested to bid on the tender,please kindly get back to me for more details, also kindly provide the below information

    1.Mobile Number
    2.Product Catalog

    Looking Forward to hear from you,Asap!

    Thanks & Regard
    Mr, David Edward

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    In depth list of textile mills of India.

  • Sachin Shere

    Dear Sir/ Madam
    I want to jeans pants manufacturer for men’s and women’s. Pls give me details about Mumbai circle jeans manufacturer address and contact number as on urgent basis. Pls provide the details ASAP.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Venny Lin

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    Premier Antimicrobial Antimildew Antimite polyester yarn and staple fiber, yellowing-resistance, for white and dark color fabrics
    Silver Ion Antimicrobial Antimildew Antimite polyester yarn and staple fiber, for light color fabrics
    The feature is long-acting function and laundering durability of up to 90% antibacterial rate after washing 50 times.
    Antimicrobial Ag Finishing Agent for Textile, to treat the fabrics with antimicrobial effect.

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    m: +86 180 6092 1829 (Whatsapp & WeChat)

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  • Gyandeep

    Respected all,
    I have 5year experiences in yarn dyeing department( lab). If you have any requirements in dyeing department so please call me on my number 7831853083.

  • Krishna industry

    We are suppliers of wast fabric shredder

  • Hi,
    I am looking to open an online clothing store in Europe. I am looking to purchase in a limited quantity, as i am at my starting stage. Once the demand increases, i will be purchasing more. I want contacts of Manufacturers or Wholesalers of Western Wears :
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    Sweats & Hoodies
    Swim & Beach
    Tunic Dresses
    Vest Tops

    Contact me : #


  • Gyandeep

    Respected all textile engineers,
    Myself Gyandeep from Government Polytechnic Kanpur and I’ve 5years experience in yarn dyeing department (lab).if you have any requirements in Dyeing department so please contact me on my
    Number 7831853083,
    9696897746 (on whatsap).

    Thanx & Regards

  • Mr Kala Yang.

    I am a bank director here in Hong Kong. I have a business deal for you on mutual funds benefit.

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    Mr Kala Yang.

  • Anshuman

    Dear All,
    We are Solar EPC contractor based in pune .
    We provide Solar Roof top power plant for industries.

    Photovoltaic systems for industrial and commercial rooftops are the mainstay of distributed electrical energy supply. They enable businesses to produce a proportion of their power requirement in a cost-effective and reliable way, which will bring down the cost of energy considerably.
    Continuous power failures as well as growing prices for grid electricity and diesel fuel to power diesel generators are a mayor concern for companies in India. Solar rooftop systems for captive consumption can be integrated with the existing electricity infrastructure to offset a mayor part of your energy needs.
    The designs are customized to suit Indian climatic conditions as well as different types of rooftops ranging from RCC Flat roofs to Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB). Our engineers will work with you to develop a system that best fits your needs and that will turn your installation into a success story.

    Overview of Our Solar Roof Top Power Plant (RTPV)
    A Solar RTPV Power Plant consists of :
    Solar Panels/Solar PV Modules – These are mounted on the roof and convert sunlight into Direct Current.
    Mounting Structure – These structures secure the solar panels/Pv Modules to the roof of building .
    Inverter -It converts the generated DC power into the AC power that is required for facility through charge controller.
    Balance of Systems(BoS): Cables , Junction boxes ,fuses etc.

    Key Design features of our Solar Roof Top Systems..

    > Proven quality components according to highest international standards.
    > Tier 1 PV module technology.
    > Tier 1 Smart Inverter technology.
    > Leak-proof mounting systems.
    > Non corrosive materials.
    > Static design according to local conditions.
    > Lightweight design to minimize roof loading.

    Our Business Model


    Key points of OPEX MODEL are as below:
    • There would be no Upfront Costs and Investment from Customer
    • Investor will invest for the capital expenditure related to the project and own it.
    • Developer will install ,operate and maintain the Solar Plants set up on customer’s rooftop/land
    • Investor will charge on a per unit (kWh) basis only for the electricity produced by solar
    • Solar Tariff would be lower than the Grid and Diesel Tariff and customer would avail guaranteed savings.

    Benefits to the Customer
    • No upfront cost: Customer does not have to spend any money on capital expenditure related to plant
    • Starting saving money on electricity bill from Day 1 till the end of PPA agreement. Hence, Substantial savings over a period of about 25 years.
    • Operation and maintenance of the plant is a responsibility of the developer at no extra cost to the customer
    • System monitoring provided to customer for nor additional cost
    • Customer is given a very lucrative option of buying and owning the plant at later stage.
    • PPA agreement Tenure – Minimum 12 Years and Maximum 25 years.


    Key points of CAPEX MODEL are as below:
    • Customer would invest the capital in the system as per the terms agreed upon
    • Developer will build and operate(optional) the Solar Plants set up on Customer’s rooftop
    • Customer will have no fuel costs or any other ongoing costs except minor operations & maintenance costs
    • No energy purchase agreement and Customer will own the system as long as it lasts (usually more than 30 years)
    • Customer will receive accelerated depreciation benefits of up to 40% of system cost in 1st year

    Benefits to the Customer
    • Simple Payback of 4-6 years in a project with a life of 25-30 years
    • Power at zero cost after the pay back for almost 18-20 years which will lead to substantial savings in a scenario where grid rates are expected to rise at 4-5% every year.
    • Customer will receive accelerated depreciation benefits of up to 80% of system cost in 1st year
    • In regions with net metering policy, excess power can be sold to grid which will generate substantial revenue for 25 years.

    Kindly Contact For Full dtails

    Anshuman Shrivastava


  • surabhi

    hey im not able to copy tis list i need to copy paste on in mine project

  • cleligent


    Greetings of the Days………………..

    We are one of the leading management consultants supporting corporates for recruitment supports for Junior to senior level position in the field of Aluminium, Automobile , Chemicals, Consumer Durables, Engineering, EPC, Fertilizers, Infrastructure, Pharma, Steel/Power/Energy, Oil/Gas, Telecom, Textiles, IT and other fields

    We would like to have the opportunity to serve your organization.

    Synopsis of CLeligent Management Consultant:
    We introduce ourselves as Pioneers in recruitment processes making a strong hold in the industry. We envision being the leader in our business, offering variety of products that are customized to the needs and requirements of the client.
    CLeligent Management Consultant is involved in the business of End to End Staffing and serving to many needs.
    It will be highly appreciated if you can give us an appointment for discussion. Waiting for your response…………..

    Thanks & Regards,
    Sr. Manager Human Resource

    CLeligent Management Consultant
    Address: Bulding No.: 57, Sec- 37, ,Faridabad Haryana 121003, Delhi

  • Md irshad ali bhuiyan

    Present booking position

    100% COTTON YARN
    TPI=14, CSP=2600 QTY=25fcl

    100% COTTON YARN
    TPI=14, CSP=2600 QTY=6fcl

    100% COTTON YARN
    10S OPEN END
    TPI=16, CSP=1900+ QTY=6FCL

    100% COTTON YARN
    12S OPEN END
    TPI=16, CSP=1900+ QTY=6FCL

    10S OPEN END csp 2400

    10S OPEN END csp 2400

    Reg= also interested
    100% Cotton Yarn open end
    10s and 12s. CSP=1600

    Packing =7.5 lbs. each cone
    buyer required

    NEED YOUR SAMPLE BY EMS.and Test report.



    Towel Weaving Mill enduse


    • Gujarat bio
      Supply of hydrochloric acid
      Contact 7201006500
      Drums packing and tankar supply

    • Biswajit Banik

      Bjute exporter from india and also want to export jute yarn 2ply onwards

  • Pragati

    Hi Pragati this side we are giving opportunity to get direct affiliation for a year of isds (integrated skill development scheme) project which urned by textile ministry plz contact. If interested

  • Hi
    Please know me ,how much job demand spinning section in India.

  • Lionel Mathias

    Can we have more information like contact number and address

  • David Nivision

    Dear Sir
    we are a Myanmar gmt manufactory, we are looking for a Mill in India can Provide us a compectitive fabric price in all kinds of knitting fabric to beat the huge order in all over the world, pls contact me. Skype: david_nivision

    • Biswajit Banik

      Bjute invite you jute yarn exporter from india .

  • still there remains to add 3 Textile mills name siyaram silk mills . Creative portico pvt ltd. Mandhana

  • Dear Sir/Madam,

    We would like to have a short introduction of our company. We are complex of factories (Syna Complex Factories) in Iran who are active mainly in two industries : Polyester fiber and Glass fiber.

    We are the biggest producer of polyester fiber in Iran with capacity of 45,000 MT per year and also biggest exporter of this products in Iran to many countries (mainly Turkey, India, UAE, Belgium, Greece, Bulgaria, Iraq, Azerbaijan,…). We are providing many of local customers as well and made a well-known reputation of our brand by their satisfaction.
    We are exporting our polyester fiber products to Turkey around 4 years and we always try to keep our commitments in order to keep satisfy our customers because our plan is long term working with all the customers.

    About glass fiber, we are the only producer of glass fiber tissue with capacity of 130 million square meter per year and chopped strand mat wit capacity of 6500 MT per year and are providing the most local customers and also export to other countries mainly Turkey.
    We have own offices and good facilities in Istanbul-Turkey & Dubai-UAE and also involved with some other business such as bitumen in our trading team.

    Please find attached Syna fiber catalogue’s and also brochure of the Tissue and CSM in attachment as well. We also are sending samples of our products to your office.

    1 Our Polyester Fiber can mainly use for below usage :
    • Textile industry
    • Polyester yarn
    • None woven products
    • Polyester layers ( polyester mat)
    • Home Textile
    • Carpet
    • Geotextile
    • Automobile industry

    2 Our Glass Fiber Tissue can mainly use for below usage :
    • Roofing isolation (membrane)

    3 Our Glass Fiber Chopped Strand Mat (CSM) can mainly use for below usage :
    • Composite industry
    • Sheets for Building
    • Automobile industry
    • Vessels
    • Electrical components
    • Tanks

    Best regards,

    Saeedeh Chamak
    Commercial Department
    Syna Factories Complex

    Address: Unit 4, No. 75, Satari Blvd., Africa (Jordan) Blvd.,
    Tehran, Iran.
    Tel./Fax: +98 (0)21 42837
    Telegram: +989380928931

  • Charan Johar

    I am looking for pri nod fabric as well as solid colors.
    In poly cotton, poly viscos with spandex.

  • lily lv

    Hi Mr.,

    Qingdao New Shun Xing Co.,ltd here, we are a professional manufacturer for textile recycling machine with 30 years experience.

    Our machine could recycle fabric scraps, waste cotton, waste yarn and other textile waste into new cotton for final spinning, for the purpose of reducing waste and creating more profit.

    We have
    1.textile recycling line
    2.baling press
    3.cutting machine
    4.Rags Tearing Machine
    5. saw Gin machine
    6. raw cotton cleaning machine

    Hope to start our mutual beneficial cooperation very soon, e-catalog will be provided if needed.

    Thvance and looking forward for long lasting business relationship with your esteemanks in aded company.

    wish you a nice day
    waiting for your reply
    best regards
    Wishes your business is fine! Be everything okay!

    lily lv
    Tei: +86-13911539232

    skype: lvpaopao1974
    Qing Dao New Shunxing Environmental Protection and Technology Co,Ltd

  • Trish Malanaphy

    I wish to purchase 100%cotton fabrics in several weights for garment manufacture, also cotoon knit fabrics, could you please send me the name of these manufacturers only.
    Kind regards

  • hi
    Dear all of you if u have any lots and fresh in textile field (like a fabrics matterial any net valvet etc.)
    I have more requirments if u available then please let me know
    Hasim shaikh

  • kaustubh kadi

    Can you send us more details like address, e-mail, phone no etc

  • ahmed musa

    please send more details address and websites or emails of companies.

  • Can we have some more detail like address and contact no.

    • Thangavelu

      Dear Sir,

      Good Morning to you Sir,

      As I request you to give your valuable appointment to us so that at the specified date and time our engineers will be at you steps to give demo about our system.

      Please let me know your available time and date to see the demo.

      Thanks and awaiting for your appointment.

      As the state of the art machines you have if you use this system will serve all your tension, production tension we take off and your mind piece full hence try once and come out with your problem.

      I am attaching my company profile to you, if you are interested we are ready to come and give demo to you,
      This system works under wifi system. I need to have an appointment with you to explain about our system. We are ready to show demo through online also. We come any day,time please confirm the time and date of place.

      Hope you have gone through the attachment that I had sent to you

      Our system is so innovative in such a way you can come to know the entire operation in the mills you can monitor time to time, shift to shift, day to day, weekly and monthly by sitting in your table and added to that you can note the information even if you are out of factory.

      There are such feature like Scrolling display, doffing time control, Multiplayer display, Bar code reader, Finger Print. Identifying the real stoppage, improving production, waste control, identifying the weak area. So to say you can trouble shoot every area and improving your production and achieving the delivery schedule to your customers. This will lead to have long time relationship with your customers.

      Hence I request you to give me meeting time with you to explain about the features.

      Also note we are ready to give you free demonstration by installing the system in your factory
      There after watching the special feature you can come forward for installing our Systems.

      Also we are doing Automation and service for you.

      Thanks and regards, Thangavelu, 7798774499,

      Message 56 of 765

  • Soma Textiles & Industries Ltd.

    Here is one more major textile industry in India. You can index this industry on your list.

    Thank you
    Soma Textiles

    • Ashima Jain

      Looking to import fabric for Draperies, Roman shades, sheers, blackout etc

      • Avi patel

        We are fabric manufacturing in Surat
        White out , black out and many mores fabrics
        Digital print as well
        Please any kind of fabrics related u want update me .

    • we sell chemicals and other products used in textile induatries

    • kenneth

      I’m looking to import pollyester and cotton upholstery fabric to south Africa

    • Nitin Gupta

      no doubt. now a days SOMA textile is one of the growing and textile excellence industry in india.

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