Flow Chart Of Wastewater Treatment Process With ETP

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

The effluent Plant (ETP) is essential to purify the wastewater, which comes from different types of manufacturing industries such as textile, ternary, dyes and chemical manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, etc. Different environment-saving organizations are trying to protect the environment from the harmful effects of effluent. Different waste water has different characteristics that pollute the water.

Wastewater Treatment Process
Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

Flow Chart Of Wastewater Treatment Process With ETP

Following is the basic structure of the effluent treatment plant.

Effluent from the different manufacturing industry

Primary Filtration

Cooling and Mixing

Neutralization (by acid or alkali)

Chemical Coagulation

Settling and Separation of Sludge

Pressure Filtration


Now, I would like to give a short description of the sequence of operations in the effluent treatment plant.

Primary Filtration:

It is the first stage of the effluent treatment plant, where effluent comes from the weaving, dyeing, printing, or finishing unit. Here, primary filtration is performed to remove solid waste particles.

Cooling and mixing:

In this stage, different types of effluent are mixed and cooled down with the help of a motor that runs a fan.

Neutralization Tank:

After cooling and mixing, the effluent is transferred to a neutralization tank with the help of a pump. Here, acid or alkali is mixed to neutralize the effluent. A pH meter is placed in the neutralization tank.

Coagulant Bath:

After the neutralization of effluent, effluent is transferred to a coagulant bath. Here, a coagulant is added to the effluent.

Settling Tank:

Here, effluent separates from the water and is found at the lower level of the tank. Effluent is like sludge.

Pressure Filter:

Here, filtration is done under pressure. A certain amount of pressure is created here.

Carbon Filtration:

It is an optional filter process.

Discharge to Drain:

After completion of all the processes, the effluent becomes purified and it becomes safe to drain into the environment.

When treated water is drained into the environment it is checked by the different testing labs. A different standard is maintained during the discharge of the treated effluent.

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  • Shuhaib Abdulla

    “Great insights into the importance of effluent treatment plants in various industries! At MEA Water Solutions, we specialize in offering customized and efficient wastewater treatment solutions that cater to diverse industry needs, including food and beverages, paper and pulps, textiles, and more.

    Our state-of-the-art effluent treatment plant implements multiple methods to ensure wastewater is treated for safe disposal or reuse, helping to reduce fresh water demand while safeguarding the environment. Our focus on cost-effective yet advanced solutions has enabled us to assist businesses in minimizing water consumption, reducing expenditure on water acquisition, and protecting ecosystems by preventing pollution.

    For anyone seeking simplified operations and industry-leading wastewater treatment solutions, feel free to explore how our services can benefit your organization’s sustainability goals. Let’s work together towards a cleaner and more resource-efficient future!”

  • Alok Aryan

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  • abdul mazid

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  • Abdul Mazid

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  • Ajay kumar

    Sir. I am working in beverages company(etp department) , can u plz tell me how to increase mlss in aeration tank??

  • Haripad Roy( Apu )

    Dear Sir,

    Good day to you. I am an officer of textile ETP. I want to know the update information of ETP in details so that i can overcome all of the trouble shooting of ETP. Such as , what happened in Biological Plant when air,waste water and bacteria are mixed. Classification of Foam and how can i identify and remove.

    Stay well sir .

    Apu Roy
    From Gazipur

  • rupesh sharma

    I am working in plating department of door fitting hardware of brass zinc and aluminium material here many type of chemical uses like sulphuric acid ,hcl,chrome salt, caustic soda etc.so kindly provide me process of etp of waste water mixed with acid and base
    I am generally use caustic soda for ph valence sodium metabi sulphate for acid neutralize and poly electrolyte but water could not be clear it look greenish water so what should i do??

  • Matadeen Kanwer

    How COD and BOD reduced in ETP plant

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  • Moshiur

    we need effluent plant based on advance technology in Bangladesh

    • Dr. Mohummad Abu Yousuf

      Please call me +8801714087402 or sms for communication with you.
      We can supply ETP of Advance Technology.
      Dr. Mohummad Abu Yousuf
      Dean :Faculty of civil & engineering
      Professor Department of Chemistry
      KHULNA 9202 Bangladesh.

    • Dr. Mohammad Abu Yousuf

      Please call me +880-1714087402 or sms your email no. for communication with you. We can supply ETP of advance technology.

      Dr. Mohammad Abu Yousuf
      Dean: Faculty of Civil Engineering
      Professor Department of Chemistry
      Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
      Khulna 9202, Bangladesh

  • Hi Sir, please I need help with the basic operation of ETP

  • Praveenkumar

    Dear sir I am from kerala mixing channel sludge floating resion


    mob 8864866328

  • vijay paranjape

    Please contact me on 9421830110 . we can help you in this matter.

  • Ambikeshwar Rai

    We are manufacturer of ETP chemicals which is Organic which replaces inorganics chemicals, reduce sludge volume & doesing of chemicals with excellent result.

  • Sir, What are the available process in India and in the world to treat the ETP.

  • Pranay Patil

    Sir, please send me ETP process & its functions to know well about ETP which is very essential for industry

  • Hanu Gowda


  • Prashant jadhav

    Sir I want to know about the etp plant.i am new in i district so i Request to please told me the basic idea. And process about etp

  • Mohanlal

    Dear all,

    We have a job openings as ETP operator and above at one of our site at Jatcharla,hyderabad. If any body intersted please contact us at 9440955308, or mail us :-mohanlal.manda@sevenhillsfs.com

  • Sharma harishankar

    Etp ke lab me job krna hamare carrier Ko kitna aage le ja skta hai. Please reply me sir

  • Sivakrishna

    Sir ETP plant MEE plant details send me sir

  • This Gautam from Ultratech consultancy for ETP STP etc with office in India Singapore and Bangladesh

  • anilkumar



    I want an ET P plant to fix in our clinic


    Good Morning Sir,

    This is Rizwan shaikh, Kindly provide me ETP operation manual on


  • Manish Mariappan

    Dear Sir,

    Once in a year how many times ETP test wants to carried out externally.??

  • Sir we are also fallowing same method with alum, lime and poly. without areation. And the water to be treated is from the processing of jam pickle and sauce.
    The problem is bad smell.

  • bhavani

    this is polymer and water treatment chemicals industry…. we are facing difficulties with highly viscous which is unable to pump or transfer through transfer pump, having high ammonical nitrogen and highly conductive….plz suggest me to treat the effluent efficiently…

  • Mukesh singh

    Sir please provide me etp manual for textile industry. I want to setup etp.


    Dear Sir
    Please guide me I am a fresher to ETP OPERATOR in a Biscuit Manufacturing company.
    Send me the operation, troubleshooting etc process.
    As soon as possible.
    What is the future in this field…?
    With regards MANOJ


    Dear Sir
    First of all I would like to thank you for posting about ETP.Sir I want more details about operations & maintenance of each parts in ETP .

  • we need the seperation of paint from water with some arrangemnet of treatment

  • Dnyaneshwar L.

    Hello Sir,
    I m Dnyaneshwar , currently working in Nemus Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd Dharwad (KTK). Our unit is newly developed. So please help us regarding ETP plant.

    Actually we required Daily log of ETP in which Daily activities of ETP, their process and tests, lab testing methods and limits of impurities etc.

    Please, if anyone having this types of docs

  • Viishwajeet Kumar Singh

    Sr pls provide the ETP plant operation system

  • Ahmed Abassi

    Please Sir , Can you provide me the all Engineering Process of Study on effective removal of methanol from petrochemical effluent water

  • Is it possible to reduce TDS by using ETP ?

    • Suryakant Samant

      Yes, but depends upon which type of salts contributing to TDS

    • Pawan Kumar chauhan

      Test proses of

  • vinod patel

    Full ETP plant information or full details tex tile. plz reply .
    mobail number:-9714943839

  • wasiq khan

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  • Emvees Waste Water Treatment LLC undertake turnkey ETP project of various capacities as per the client’s requirement in UAE,Qatar,Oman.

  • Sir plz guide me to set up an etp plant for an fasteners manufacturing industry for an capacity of 1200/hr…nikhilv3388@gmail.com

  • Md. Taijul Islam

    I need a job for ETP. I have sound Knowladge operaton of ETP.
    Md. Taijul Islam

    • Mohanlal

      please contact us on 9440955308 for job. we have opening in jatcharla.

    • Dr J P Tayung

      Can you suggest me how to constuct a compact ETP for a medical diagnostic centre daily producing 20-50 litre effluent ?

  • sujeet pathak

    from chembond provide water treatment solutions.42CS

  • Which is easy to learn plz help me
    My contact no.is 8511094440

  • pl rovide detailed process of electroplating and paint shop

  • Sobowale Damilare

    Good day, please what’s are the process for industrial carton

  • Arun Bapat

    Am having ayurvedic mfg.unit and in search of a guideline to set up an etp. Our effluent does not contain any drugs,dyes,oil,wax,tar,acids,carbon compounds etc. Our effluent water is just a waste water coming from washing of utensils ad cloths. Pls guide

    • Nagaraj

      sir , please contact us.We provide a complete industry solution

  • Abinash jena

    Dear Sir,
    Please share the full process of ETP in rice mill industry.Sir my mobile no 9437227764.


    plase tell me full process of ETP?

  • I am an Environmental Engg.
    Please give me a ETP, WTP job

    • Mohanlal

      Please contact us for Job… we need ETP engineer, Ph no: 9440955308 location for job is jadcharla, hyderabad

    • Prabhat Kumar Das

      We are from Bijay-Eco solution & Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
      You can send your CV to through our email. My contact no 9658960058.

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