Differences Between Knitting And Weaving

Knitting And Weaving

Knitting and weaving are the two different processes used to produce knitted and woven fabric in the production unit. Chiefly, both types of fabrics have great demand in the market. The manufacturing process of both types is different from one to another. However, every manufacturer wants to get the best products in the production unit. At this point, to get the desired product, the producer should apply 5S, Kaizen, TQM, and TPM and maintain other compliance issues related to the workplace. If one can ensure the best work environment in the industry, therefore, the textile industry will grow continuously.

What is knitting?

A set of connected loops from a series of yarns in a weft or warp direction is used for knitting. When knitting technology is used for knitted fabric production,. In fact, different types of knitted fabrics are produced by the knitting machine.

What is weaving?

In the weaving process, two sets of threads interlace at right angles according to design to produce woven fabric. Additionally, weaved fabrics may be in grey, striped, or colored form. All in all, the weaving technology used to produce different types of woven fabrics.

Differences between knitting and weaving

Although knitting and weaving are fabric manufacturing techniques, they have a lot of differences. However, the following are the differences between knitting and weaving:

DefinitionKnitted fabrics are produced by a set of connected loops from a series of yarns.Woven fabrics are produced by interlacing two types of threads.
YarnOne set of yarn is used in this method.Two sets of yarn are used for this method.
SizingDo not require sizing.Sizing is required before weaving.
Yarn PreparationYarn preparation is not so necessary.Yarn preparation is a must.
Production CapacityThe production capacity of knitting is higher.The production capacity of weaving is less than that of knitting.
Production CostThe production cost of knitting is less than the weaving cost.The production cost of weaving is higher than the knitting cost.
Production %About 52% of fabrics are produced by knitting technology in the textile section.About 48% of fabrics are produced by weaving techniques in the textile section.
Manufacturing TechniqueKnitting is done in loop formation.Weaving is done by shade formation.
Elastic PropertyThe elastic property of the knit fabrics is higher than the woven fabric.The elastic property of the woven fabrics is less than knitted fabric.
Machinery UsedFlat and circular machines are used for production.Mostly flat machines are used for production.
Crease PropertyKnitted fabrics are more resistant to crease, so it requires no ironing.The woven fabrics are less resistant to crease, so it requires ironing.
Tearing propertyIt is not easy to tear the knitted fabric.It is not difficult to tear the woven fabric.
Moisture AbsorbencyDue to the loose construction of knitted fabrics, they absorb more moisture than woven fabric.The woven fabric absorbs less moisture than knitted fabric.
Air PermeabilityDue to the voluminous structure of the knitted fabric, the Knitted fabric is more air permeable.Due to compact construction, woven fabric is less air permeable.
Yarn TPIYarn TPI is comparatively lower than woven fabric.Yarn TPI is comparatively higher than knitted fabric.
Dimensional stabilityDimensional stability is lower than woven fabric.Dimensional stability is higher than in knitted fabric.

So, above are the most common comparisons between knitting and weaving manufacturing technologies.

As an illustration, different loom types are used for weaving, and circular or flat knitting machines are used for knitting technology. Different machinery manufacturing companies try to introduce modern technology in knitting and weaving units emphatically. If one can choose suitable machinery for the production, then they will undoubtedly get maximum profit.

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