Application And Functions Of Geotextiles

Geo Textiles

Geotextile is the most important technical textile. Moreover, its uses to protect the environment from the different bad effects of the world. Generally, geotextiles use in road infrastructure, railways, waste landfills, dams, irrigation, hydraulic structures, etc.


Application Area of Geo Textiles:

The following are the most common application field of geotextile. They are-

  • Firstly, it uses to build sidewalks and sand drainage layers.
  • Secondly, it uses on the airport runway uncovered and curved road.
  • Thirdly, it uses for landfills and stone bases on the road.
  • After that, it uses in the construction of the structure of the wall.
  • Consequently, it uses in the construction of duct banks and pipe trench.
  • Moreover, it uses in the construction of parking lots and curved spaces.
  • It is also used in green areas and in the construction of recreational spaces.
  • Lastly, geotextiles are widely used in agriculture.

Functions of Geotextiles:

The following are the common functions of geotextile. They are-


Reinforcement is the most important function of geotextiles. Composite technical geotextile materials allow water to flow within the plane surface of the water, rather than across it. This behaves like a retaining wall behind water. By the EN ISO standards, the reinforcement function is defined as “The use of the stress-strain behavior of a geotextile or a geo textile-related product to improve the mechanical properties of soil or other construction materials”.


Basically, geotextile is used for separation and it is widely used in railway and road work construction. Geotextile preserves the integrity and extends the life of the road surface layer. Geotextile materials are placed between different layers in the construction, which prevents the migration and mingling of materials. It also allows the free movement of water. By the EN ISO standards, the separation function is defined as “The preventing from intermixing of adjacent dissimilar soils and/or fill materials by the use of a geotextile”.


By the EN ISO standards, the filtration function is defined as “The restraining of soil or other particles subjected to hydrodynamic forces while allowing the passage of fluids into or across a geo textile”. Geotextile material is also used to filter. It allows water movement while preventing the movement of soil particles.

Surface Erosion Control:

Geotextile is also used to control surface erosion. When water flows over the surface it causes erosion, by using geotextile it is possible to control the erosion.


By the EN ISO standards, the protection function is defined as “The prevention or limiting of local damage to a given element or material by the use of a geotextile”. Waste disposal systems and tunnel constructions also depend on geotextiles. It is used as a geo-membrane. It ensures the integrity of sealing materials when fill material and load are applied.


By the EN ISO standards, the drainage function is defined as “The collecting and transporting of precipitation, groundwater and/or other fluids in the plane of the geotextile”. For drainage in earth and construction works, geotextiles are widely used. In a drainage system, geotextiles are used to flow water over the plane surface of the soil with a minimum pressure of the water over the soil. This function is different from filtration.

Stress Relieving:

Geotextile is also used as a stress-relieving material.

So, there are lots of functions of geotextiles.

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