Flow Chart Of Synthetic Fabric Printing Process

Synthetic Fabric Printing

Synthetic fabric printing is easier than natural fabric printing. We know that printing flow chart depends on the characteristics of the fiber. In cotton printing, it is required to pre-treat the fabric before printing but in the case of synthetic fabric, it is not essential to pre-treat the fabric because the synthetic fabric does not contain impurities like natural fiber.

Printing Process Flow Chart Of 100% Synthetic Fabric

There are various types of synthetic fiber. The printing process for all the fibers is not the same. The printing process of nylon, polyester, or acrylic fiber varies from one to another. It also depends on the dyes and pigment types. Anyhow, I have written about the basic printing process flow chart for 100% synthetic fabric.

Flow Chart Of Synthetic Fabric Printing Process

The following is the flow chart of the man-made fabric printing process. They are-

Fabric from weaving section



Jet Dyeing







Folding or Rolling


Above all, synthetic fibers are produced from the polymerization of the different monomers. After printing, finishing is done to add some properties. So, it requires being aware of the printing sequence.

So, print your synthetic fabric with suitable dyes.

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