Effects of Dyeing Parameter in Yarn Dyeing Process

Yarn Dyeing

The Yarn dyeing process is different from knit dyeing or woven dyeing. However, different dyeing parameters have huge effects on the dyeing process. During dyeing, the textile engineer should give deep concern on the following points. He should give proper instruction to his supervisor or operator to do all the work as per schedule. If any faults occur during the dyeing process then it will impact the dyeing process. In the package, the yarn dyeing process following points is important to consider.

Effects of Dyeing Parameter in Yarn Dyeing Process

It needs to consider the following dyeing parameters during the yarn dyeing process. They are-


  1. Batching should be done by same lot yarn and same count yarn.
  2. Package level after pressing should be uniform.
  3. Package cap should be tight, it should not loose during operation in the dye bath.


  1. In-Out and Out-In pressure for each machine should maintain. If pressure vary than In-Out and Out-In will not be uniform, which after the levelness of package.
  2. Pressure should maintain during level in and level out process.


PH is one the most important factor in the dyeing process. Following is the PH which should maintain for Cotton:

  1. After salt mixing: PH 6-6.5
  2. After soda mixing: PH 11-11.5
  3. After the process PH should be neutral.


  1. Checking is important. Checking should be performed in every step of the operation.
  2. The water level should check.
  3. The Carrier batch should check after every step by opening the lid.
  4. Time and temperature should check.
  5. Sample checking should be after
  • Bleaching (Residue H2O2, Absorbency check)
  • Color migration (Level check)
  • Dyeing
  • Washing
  • Finishing


The operator or Supervisor should be aware during measurement. One should be aware of the measurement because a small mistake can vary the shade of the materials.

  1. Dyes measurement
  2. Chemical measurement
  3. Water measurement
  4. Time measurement
  5. Temperature measurement

So, if a respective person is aware of the points then he or she will get success in dyeing. Finally, let’s do the same and see the results.

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