Polyester Fabric Dyeing With Disperse Dyes

Polyester Fabric Dyeing

Polyester fabric dyeing is done by dispersing dyes. When disperse dyes are water-insoluble, for this reason, dispersing agent is used to make them soluble in the water. Moreover, disperse dye is an organic coloring substance that is free from ionizing groups, it has low water solubility properties and is suitable for dyeing hydrophobic fibers. Among all of the dyes, they are of the smallest molecular size. Additionally, disperse dye is so-called for its insoluble aqueous properties. However, we can see the polyester yarn dyeing process for getting more information about the polyester dyeing process with disperse dyes.

Polyester Fabric Dyeing With Disperse Dyes

Polyester fabric is one of the most common fabric types when it uses in different forms. Basically, polyester and its derivatives have no affinity to dyes for this reason it needs to use a carrier during the dyeing process. Specifically, different dyeing process runs in the dyeing industry but the main theory of disperse dyeing process remains the same although the process of adding auxiliary chemicals depend on the performance and technique of the dyeing specialist along with dyeing types of machinery. Anyhow, I have given a dyeing sequence for polyester fabric which is practically run in the dyeing process.

The following are the practical polyester dyeing process with disperse dyes in knit dyeing.

Polyester Fabric Dyeing Process

Polyester fabric received from batching section

The required amount of water-filled

The fabric was loaded and run for 10 min.


The required amount of water-filled

CK-2 and oxalic acid were added for 5 min.

Run for 20 min. at 800 C

Rinse for 15 min.


The required amount of water-filled

Formic acid added for PH– controlled

Check PH at 4.5

Leveling agent (DIF) added for 10 min.

Temperature increase at 600 C

Color/Dyes added for 15 min.

Run for 10 min.

The temperature increased to 1300 C for 30 min.

Run for 30 min.

Cooling at 800 C

Shade check

Rinsing for 15 min.


The required amount of water-filled

Hot wash at 800 C

Shade check

Rinsing for 15 min.


In sum, disperse dye is suitable for polyester dyeing. Nevertheless, it has a great dye pick-up %. Besides, the Fastness properties of the disperse dye are good to excellent.

Generally, huge water, chemicals, and dyes are used for the dyeing process. Therefore, it is important to treat the wastewater before draining it into the environment. Shortly, an effluent treatment plant (ETP) is a must to treat the wastewater for our environmental safety.

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  • Ketan Adhvaryu

    For which quality fabric u want process chart ?

  • Ziaur rahman

    We need many more dyeing process flow chirt which can be save the time, energy and increase production. Write something about sedomaster software

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