Characteristics And Uses Of Merino Wool

Merino Wool

Merino wool is the best wool among all of the wool. The finest wool is called merino wool. This wool is collected from merino sheep. This type of wool is generally produced in Australia, Spain, America, South America, South Africa, and New Zealand.

Characteristics of Marino Wool

Merino wool is fine, soft, slightly creamy, and oily. Merino wool is the softest wool. In merino wool, there are about 30 crimps in its body. Wools remain in twist form with one to another for their creamy appearance. For this reason, strong yarn is formed.  These crimp and creamy properties increase its elastic property. The color of the merino wool is white or near white in color. The staple length is about 2 inches to 5 inches.

Uses of Marino Wool

Merino wool is better in look than other wool. Its finishing is well. All in all, it is comfortable to use. In the world market, merino wool has popularity. Most of the expensive wool wear is made by merino wool. This type of wool is very sweet able for making babywear.

Wool is generally used for making sweaters. In modern times, various types of synthetic fiber are made for use as alternatives to wool but they are not as comfortable as wool fiber. Among all of the manmade fiber, acrylic is used as an alternative to wool by mixing it with other textile fiber.

Although, merino wool is more expensive than other textile fibers its demand is increasing day by day. There are some countries, where sheep are cultivated for commercial purposes and they earn lots of foreign currency by exporting this wool to other countries.

So, buy merino wool and make your finest textile products with merino wool.

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  • Saidul Hasan

    It’s a very nice informative web site for learning textile related knowledge.

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