Compliance In Garment Industry

What is compliance?

Compliance means conformity to certain standards. Every management of the textile and garment industry should maintain excellent working conditions for its employees and workers. Although the entire well-established project tries to maintain well compliance there are some lacking proper compliance issues.

Compliance In Garment Industry

Here is a list of compliance in which some points are maintained fully and some are partial. The following points are specially for the garment industry.

They are-

  1. Compensation for  holiday
  2. Leave with wages
  3. Health register
  4. Time care
  5. Accident register
  6. Workman register
  7. Equal remuneration
  8. National festival holiday
  9. Overtime register
  10. Labor welfare
  11. Weekly holiday fund
  12. Sexual harassment policy
  13. Child labor abolition policy
  14. Anti-discrimination policy
  15. Zero abasement policy
  16. Working hour policy
  17. Hiring /recruitment policy
  18. Environment policy
  19. Security policy
  20. Buyers code of conduct
  21. Health and safety committee
  22. Canteen


  1. Drinking water at least 4.5 L/day/employee
  2. Cup availability
  3. Drinking water supply
  4. Water cooler ,heater available in  canteen
  5. Drinking water signs in native language and English locate minimum 20 feet away from work place
  6. Drinking water vassal clean at once in a week
  7. Water reserve at least  once a week
  8. Water center in charge person with cleanliness
  9. Suggestion box register


  1. Separate toilet for women and  men
  2. A seat with proper privacy and lock facility
  3. Urinal accommodation
  4. Effective water sewage system
  5. Soap toilet
  6. Water tap
  7. Dust bins
  8. Toilet white washed one in every four month
  9. Daily cleaning log sheet
  10. No-smoking signs
  11. Ladies /gents toilet signs both in native language and English
  12. Deposal of wastes and effluent


  1. Sufficient fire extinguisher and  active
  2. Access area without hindrance
  3. Fire signs in both languages
  4. Fire certified personal photo
  5. Emergency exit

Safety Guard:

  1. Metal glows on good condition.
  2. Rubber mats & ironers
  3. First aid box one
  4. Ironers wearing sleepers
  5. First trained employees
  6. Motor/needle guard
  7. Eye guard
  8. Nurse
  9. Doctor
  10. Medicine
  11. Medicine issuing register
  12. Welfare officer

Others Facility:

  1. Room temperature
  2. Lighting facilities

So, compliance ensures the working environment of the industry as well as the office. To protect human rights every management should ensure the above compliance policy.

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  • Md.Alamgir Hossain

    You are right.

  • In a recent interview experience for a compliance officer position the company CFO was asking me about compliance and when my reply was about maintaining local regulations he argued that labor law is not part of compliance. I was totally astonished to see that such a person from that position how he can have such type of thinking. I’m just sharing my experience on how these days company chief are often misled.

  • Md. Kamal Hossain

    Too help full for me

  • Good very need full information. thank you

  • Md. Selim Alam

    Go Ahead

  • Md. Moshiur Rahman

    Dear Sir, Please Need to my some compliance sheet from Bangla Language.

  • It is easy to understand for persons who are new to the industry like me. Thanks!

  • Md. Masud Shaikh

    Its a good job description which may increase our work ability.

  • A.J.M.Shadiqur Rahman

    nice points.

  • মুহাম্মাদ রেজাউল কারিম


  • it is important & necessary for rmg sector, a compliance executive skill developed for your good impormation


    VERY NICE, if i’d like to go for next higher level of our Garment Business what are the other special compliances please inform



  • H. M. Al-Mamun

    Very helpful topic.

  • i t is basic knowledge . but very good for compliance dept

  • damindez

    Exactly! it was very useful ! A good side ! This’s a good topic to understanding how to handle perfectly Compliance side! very advantage for garment industry!!!!!

  • mahendran

    hi , very nice points

  • Islam M. Zahir

    What’s Workman Register as mentioned in no. 06?

  • thanks for points

  • I have question about complaince. i want to that how many value have complaince dept rather other dept.ans pls.

  • md shahidul islam shahin

    thank you sir , i need accessories factory with complaince guidline

  • Well informative.

  • Ridoan Ullah

    Excellent really very nice

  • Md. Mostafizur Rahman

    It’s essential for every Garment Industry. All the related employee should implement those . Is also essential for Productivity as well as our Safety.

  • sourabh patel

    nice point.

  • Md.Rafiqul Islam

    It Is The Rely Good Compliance of Textile & RMG Sectors Industries.

  • Arifur Rahman Akram

    Good tips for compliance profession.

  • Abul Kalam Khan

    It is very important and necessary for all of garment sectors. Implementation is not impossible but need willingness and short and long term planning and start implement step by step. There must be a check list which will be checked everyday and thus it will be easier.

  • Md Noor Alam Mina

    Every factory Compliance department must need to be familiar of this topic.

  • Delwar Hossain


  • Its good imformation

  • Liaqat Ali Butt

    Nice topic

  • Liaqat Ali Butt

    Excellent ,, good knowledge

  • Md.Elias Mia

    This is a important article in garment industry so should be read at related persons.

  • Bashir Ahmed

    Its a good topics and its helpful for HR & Admin personal those are working in this field. Thanks.

  • Md Salim Bhuiyan

    Essential for Compliance .


    I build up my carrer this profession.


    I like this profession

  • tara mia

    I am searching some policy

  • mizanur rahman

    very helpful for us who is working in compliance side.

  • M Rashedul Alam

    Good topic.

  • Rashedul Alam

    It’s a good topics.

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