Types Of Garment Sample and Pattern With Definition

Sample And Pattern Terminology

In apparel manufacturing; various terms are used to express the specific task. Here, I have given some apparel terms and definitions which will help you.

Garment Sample

Types Garment Sample and Pattern

The following terminology is mostly used in the apparel industry to define the specific task in the different sections of apparel manufacturing. They are-

Product Package

A group of paper sheets that contain the followings is called a product package. It is essential to develop a sample garment.

  1. Apparel design and sketches
  2. Apparel measurements
  3. Stitches
  4. Trimmings and details
  5. Order quantity and size ration
  6. Fabric specification and details
  7. Packing instructions
  8. Order details
  9. Etc

What is pattern?

The individual part of apparel which is shaped by hard drawing paper is called the pattern.

What is Working Pattern?

The pattern set which is used to make the sample garment is called the working pattern. Sample garment generally made of M.S = 1 set.

What is Sample Garment?

The garment represents the huge quantity of garments that is called sample garments.

What is Approved Sample?

The sample which is approved by the buyer is called the approved sample. Generally, 3 pieces samples are made for approval of the buyer. 2 pieces are sent to the buyer, and 1 piece is for counter-sample. After approval of sample; buyer takes one piece and sends the approved sample to the manufacturer. The merchandiser sends it for bulk production in the production unit.

What is Counter Sample?

Counter sample is one kind of approved sample which is not signed by the buyer is called counter sample. This sample is hung on the sewing floor for smooth production.

What is Pattern Grading?

Stepwise increase or stepwise decrease of the master pattern is called pattern grading. Such XXX → XS → S → M. Set → L → XL → XXL.

What is Production Pattern?

The pattern which is used for bulk production is called the production pattern.

In sum, there are different terms and terminology are using in the apparel industry. So, one should have a clear concept about different terminology of apparel manufacturing.

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