Garment Marketing Officer: Roles And Responsibilities

Garment Marketing Officer

The Marketing officer plays an important role in the process of dealing with buyers. Moreover, he or she maintains communication with the buyer. In fact, he or she is the middle man between the producer and buyer. A marketing officer should have great knowledge about the marketing strategy. Marketing strategy is a very important factor in selling the products to the buyer. If the marketing strategy is not so developed, it will be very hard to reach the goal. In the case of garments marketing dealings with the buyer is a very important factor.

In composite mills, mainly senior marketing officers, merchandisers & higher officials deal with the buyer. There are some fixed buyers of the industry. The buyers give their orders continuously all over the year. The marketing officers and both sides understand the rate and the order quantity are fixed.

Duties and Responsibilities of Marketing Officer

Dealing with the buyer and convincing the buyer is the main duty of the marketing officer. A marketing officer also has some other duties. The following are the principle roles and responsibilities of a marketing officer. They are-

  • Firstly, to prepare cost sheet by dealing with the buyer.
  • Secondly, to take different steps by discussing with the high officials & merchandisers.
  • Thirdly, to maintain a regular and good relationship between commercial officer & merchandisers.
  • After that, to maintain a regular communication with the buyers & buying houses.
  • Marketing officer also communicate with the new buyers.
  • Lastly, display the better criteria of the products.

Actually, the responsibilities & duties of marketing officer begins from getting order of buyer & ends after receiving goods by the buyer. So he should be always smart, energetic & sincere.

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  • plz give me somthing order…..for my factory stiching..

  • Mikehkor Zuu

    Very good to know about the function the marketing officer. Can you please help me get some books to know about some newly product in the market now.

  • Its very little to written on reponsibility of Marketing Officer. It should ilustrate more

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