Responsibilities Of Production Officer In Dyeing Floor

Production Officer

A strong managerial system is needed for controlling the dyeing process on a dyeing floor. In dyeing, process experience is the vital point for success. Experienced teamwork can bring the desired product to the production floor. We know that dyeing is the most critical section, and the shade machine is important for satisfying the buyer. During dyeing, various parameters are controlled. If any of them are hampered, they cause various dyeing faults, which can be the cause of fabric rejection. So, it is important to know the job description of a production officer.

Responsibilities Of Production Officer on Dyeing Floor

The dyeing floor production officer plays an important role during the dyeing operation. The following activities are:

  • To plan, execute, and follow up on the production activities and control the quality of production with related activities.
  • Overall supervision of dyeing and finishing.
  • To issue dyes and chemicals and check them out.
  • To make the program, do sample checking and color measurement.
  • To control the supervisor’s, operators, and helper’s.
  • To give the dye line or the program slip according to the daily production plan, batch preparation, and PH check.
  • To check the daily production report.
  • To rectify the finished fabrics that are rejected by the quality control department.
  • To study the nature of the dyes and chemicals delivered by the manufacturers and apply them correctly to the production to get the best production?
  • At last, the production officer reports about the production activities to the senior production officer.

A production officer should have deep knowledge of the different sections of textile processing. In dyeing, he or she should have an idea about the dyes, chemical properties, and scope of application. Also, he should have knowledge about dyeing machines.

So, Production Officer is the name of a responsible and respective person on the dyeing floor.

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