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Welcome to Textile Fashion Study Blog (TFS)

The textile fashion study website is the latest knowledge hub for textile enthusiasts, students, professionals, and researchers. It is also a portal for textile and fashion information that is backed by experienced professionals and experts from different sectors of the textile and clothing industries. We believe that this website must fulfill the demand of information hunters about textile and textile-based businesses. We have tried to gather all the information under an information hub, and textile enthusiasts, students, professionals, and researchers will get full benefit from it.

A team of experienced textile engineers, fashion designers, and professionals is working together to achieve a common goal: to provide you with authentic and practical-based information about different sectors of the textile and clothing industries. This web portal is a reference guide for textile engineering and fashion design learners. TFS Web Hub was founded by Engr. Mohammad Zillane Patwary in February 2012.

Are you looking for information about textile and fashion design? If yes, TFS is the right place to get information about textile studies. Here, we have presented all the information from textile raw materials to making finished goods in a sequential way, and this format is very easy to understand and read because it bears a clear description. On this website, we cover different topics such as different fibers and different processing stages of spinning, weaving, knitting, finishing, denim, garment manufacturing, garment washing, merchandising, shipment, etc. Furthermore, jute, technical textile, textile universities, the environment, different fabric designs, testing procedures, and business-related information about the world of textiles are also included on this website.

We hope you will stay with us by subscribing to our website and following this site on different social media platforms. If you feel that this site is helpful for textile personnel, you will recommend this web hub to others. Besides this, you can bookmark this site and learn from it, which helps you increase your personal productivity, save time, and grow confidence in this sector.

Are you a textile professional? If so, you’re fruitful suggestions and comments are heartily welcome. You can also participate with us by publishing your textile-related articles, assignments, thesis papers, reports, news, and education-related studies on this website. We hope this website will be a common platform for textile professionals.

If you want to be a part of TFS, you can contribute your articles here. If you have any questions about us that come to mind, you can leave a comment in the blog or mail us at info@textilefashionstudy.com or admin@textilefashionstudy.com


Textile Fashion Study Blog Team

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